View Full Version : Last used settings for tools

2005-10-03, 07:27 PM
Is there some rational behind which of the option bar items use the "last used settings" and which are just annoyingly hard coded?

just curious

Scott D Davis
2005-10-03, 08:15 PM
Many Option Bar Settings are controlled by the Template. Open your template, go through the various tools and set the options, save your template. The next job you start with the template will have the options set per your preferences.

2005-10-04, 04:28 PM
yesss indeedee, for those things that use last used settings these have always been part of the template setup...except...

I guess what I was wondering was more along the lines of...

One of the things I like most about Revit is the consistency of behavior between various objects and tools.

This is just one of those things that is not consistent.

Some things (many) are last used...
wall height and location line
door /windows --tag object with leader or not and

And yet others do not use last used settings
Area Boundary lines - always have use rules checked in the options bar
a pain if you are not using the rules, but doing something like a code occupancy plan or anything other than an area boundary

Keynotes always have 0 leaders (have to toggle the number of leaders up every time you place a keynote, or add leaders after the fact. - when it makes more sense to be to pick the leader start point and then place the keynote.

I was looking for an explanation of why this is inconsistent. Is there a rational that I am missing? or is this just another wish list item?

Chad Smith
2005-10-04, 09:16 PM
I mentioned this a long time a go. But the spiel I got from the dev team is that they didn't want many saved variable so that the startup time was kept to a minimum, and also so it didn't turn into a many-variable-like-AutoCAD environment.

Personally, I would be happy to wait those extra few seconds while my saved variables are loaded. It's one of the things I like about AutoCAD.