View Full Version : Trim Continuous Footings?

2005-10-03, 07:39 PM
Any way to trim continuous footings to the face of "isolated" footings? (I suppose that these are no longer "isolated" once they are integral with the wall footing but we still need a way to show these things.) In detail section cuts through the isolated footings, I get a rectangle representing the continuous footing...
Also doesn't clean up in the plan view nicely.

I'm sure that there's a way to have the footings, both continuous and isolated, show up as dashed or hidden lines... is that done in the view over-ride?


Tom Weir
2005-10-03, 07:43 PM
Hi Ken,
The continuous footings are of limited use so far, as you have discovered. You would be better off using wall objects as continuous footings for the moment, until the continuous footings function is improved.......a lot less frustrating.

Tom Weir
Los Angeles

2005-10-03, 08:02 PM
I have used the join geometry tool with much success. Then hide the extra lines using the linework tool. Its kind of a pain but what else is there for footings. Factory, we need footings that clean up after them self.

2005-10-03, 08:07 PM
I tried the join geometery tool to combine the "isolated" footings with the continuous wall footings but got some inconsistent results. Sometimes it would let me and sometimes it would give an error about being unable to cut the joined part or something.
I was able to use Tom's suggestion of making a 24" thick wall that was only 12" high. That cleans up ok too but still leaves an "erroneous" line at the footing/continuous footing interface. I haven't played with the linework tool yet but i'll dig into that and see how it works.
UPDATE: No luck with the "linework tool" In plan, there is still a line indicating discontinuity between continuous footing and spread footing?

2005-10-04, 05:56 PM
We are also having this problem. Footings play a major roll when it comes to structural drawings. We also can not get the footing to project past a wall when it ends or changes width. I hope that this is high on autodesk's list to fine tune in the next release.

2005-10-04, 05:58 PM
I've just been playing with the linework tool and by setting the tool to "<Invisible Lines>" I can get the intersection between the spread footing and the continuous footing to disappear if i select the line twice. Once for the continuous footing line and once for the spread footing line. Give it a try. (not convenient but it's a workaround)

Here's a pic of the error that I get when I try to join some of the spread footings to the continuous footings... Any thoughts on this error would be appreciated.

2005-10-04, 09:46 PM
Ken, do you mind posting a section view of that? Or even the model itself?

Since this is a good thread, it is definitely worthwhile posting a "Wishlist" for wall foundations.

2005-10-05, 12:30 PM
Tim, You got it!! Take a look at the section... That would certainly explain the error message.

Ok, so to wrap this up... continuous wall footing integral with spread footings:
1. Add spread and continuous wall footings.
2. Select "Join Geometry" tool and pick spreads frist and continuous second for each join.
3. Select "Linework" tool, choose <invisible lines> and select the offending line twice (once for the spread footing and once for the continuous footing)
4. Spin model around in 3d for a while to celebrate.

sound good?

2005-10-05, 01:19 PM
Maybe one for the wish list... I've been playing with the linework tool and have to admit that it is working rather well. The potential wishlist item is for the linework tool to affect lines in all views or only the current view. Anybody else?

Hopefully, we will eventually get footing tools that just work instead of having to do all this workaround but, in the meantime...