View Full Version : Download Revit Building 8.1 for AutoCAD Revit Series

2005-10-04, 05:14 PM
I was just at the subscription center to ownload the latest build and found this in the download page:

Download Autodesk Revit Building 8.1

Download Revit Building 8.1 for AutoCAD Revit Series

First one I know but the second I have no clue what it is and cannot find anything on the autodesk website.

What is Revit Building 8.1 for AutoCAD Revit Series? Anyone know?

2005-10-04, 08:27 PM
You can purchase either Revit alone or the AutoCad Revit Series. The series offers you both Revit Building and AutoCad on a single license. You can run one or the other, but not both simultaneously.

2005-10-04, 09:30 PM
James -
When you a say you can run one or the other at a time, what do you mean? We have Revit Series and run Revit and AutoCAD at the same time quite a bit. Not sure what you meant there.

Scott D Davis
2005-10-04, 10:03 PM
If you only had one Revit Series License, if you start Revit, it's going to use your licnese. AutoCAD opened at the same time would not have a license.

If you have multiple licenses on a license server, if you open Revit and AutoCAD at the same time, technically you have 2 licenses in use. Although we have been able to open each at the same time for the number of licenses we have. ie 100 licenses of Series, with 100 Revit and 100 AutoCAD open at the same time.

2005-10-04, 10:10 PM
I don't think that is entirely accurate Scott/James, as Vanessa is pointing out. Revit Series will allow me (standalone license) to run both Revit and Autocad together at the same time. In a network environment you can only run as many AutoCAD and Revit seats as you have Revit Series licenses for. So if you have 10, you can run any combination of Revit and AutoCAD as long as you don't exceed 10. Note this is true of separate users running the software.

If the same network user runs Revit and then AutoCAD this will be treated as a single license. Revit Series has its own distinct Product Code and the licensing software understands when the same user is accessing the product and doesn't use a second seat to allow both applications to be run at the same time.

That's my understanding of how it works last time I checked....clear as mud?

2005-10-05, 01:30 AM
The idea behind it is that Autodesk doesn't want you to buy a license of Revit Series and have one person using Revit while a different person is using AutoCAD at the same time on the same license. That would be against Autodesk's intentions of offering Revit Series.

Neither is it Autodesk's intention to force a single user using a single license to close Revit in order to open AutoCAD, and then close AutoCAD in order to open Revit. However, for network license users, that may be a byproduct of how the license works in practice in order to prevent users from taking advantage.

2005-10-05, 02:05 AM
...that may be a byproduct of how the license works in practice in order to prevent users from taking advantage...It doesn't prevent network users from using AutoCAD and Revit at the same time. It just prevents different users from using more seats than the company has. When I run Revit it consumes one Revit Series license, the only person that can run AutoCAD at the same time as I'm running Revit with this license is me. If another seat of Revit series is available in the pool then anyone can run either AutoCAD or Revit. Once either is run, only the same person can run the other half at the same time and so on....

2005-10-05, 03:42 AM
....clear as mud?
Clear as Evian... :)

It's good to know that Autodesk hasn't gone completely insane with this licensing nonsense.

2005-10-05, 08:06 PM
....clear as mud?
Actually, that helps quite a bit.
We're about ready to spend the 40 grand to convert our 43 ADT3.3 (which we use only as ACAD2002) to Revit 8.1 & none of the AutoDesk material is exactly clear about what you can use where. Your post confirms what I THOUGHT was the case, but I wasn't real sure. Thanks.

One further question - since we're also moving towards laptops instead of desktops, can you check out a license of either ACAD2006 and/or Revit Series like you can with the "regular" Revit?
I believe they both use FlexLM 10, so it should be possible, but you never know.

2005-10-05, 08:23 PM
One further question - since we're also moving towards laptops instead of desktops, can you check out a license of either ACAD2006 and/or Revit Series like you can with the "regular" Revit?
I believe they both use FlexLM 10, so it should be possible, but you never know.
You should be able to check out a license for Revit Series just as you can the others. Just keep in mind that you'd lose one seat of AutoCAD and Revit (Revit Series product code covers both) to that notebook, no surprise really though right? As network seats you'd use the borrow function that is part of the menu Help > Product License and Information and to do so these notebooks will have to be connected to the domain and "see" the license server. If the notebook can access the domain remotely they'd be able to borrow a license that way as well. The key is being connected to the domain and seeing the license server. Only stand alone licenses use the separate Portable License Utility to transfer licenses. More than you wanted? :smile:

Danny Polkinhorn
2005-10-05, 11:53 PM
I would be interested to know if a user checks out a license in Revit (as part of Series), then launches AutoCAD (as part of Series) if the license would be found. In theory, yes. Has anyone actually done this?

2005-10-06, 12:03 PM

The answer is yes. That is our normal mode of operation at Little. I always check out the licenses using Revit. I haven’t yet learned how to do the same in Acad.


2005-10-06, 01:06 PM
Can I propose a poll here?

I'm curious who uses:
- Stand Alone
- Network, Revit only/ACAD only
- Revit Series

Right now we've got 8 Revit licenses, 42 ADT3.3, and one Standalone ADT2005
We'll probably convert everything to Series by the end of the year.

2005-10-06, 02:59 PM
Can I propose a poll here?
Sure, start a new thread posing your question.