View Full Version : Footing Linestyles

2005-10-04, 06:03 PM
I'd like to display the continuous and spread footings as Hidden lines in the plan view. I thought that I could go into View and change the linetype with an override. So I went looking for continuous footings or spread footings and found neither under the visibility/graphics dialog. I did find "Hidden Lines" and "Plan Rep". I changed both to Hidden style lines but the lines in the view remained continuous.
Then, while demonstrating the footing creation to one of our drafters, I inserted a spread footing and it showed up with hidden lines. The rest are still continuous lines.

Here's a pic of the inserted footing:

Tom Weir
2005-10-04, 07:36 PM
If you change your plan to hidden view they will appear hidden under the slab.

2005-10-04, 07:40 PM
Thanks Tom. I haven't yet added the first floor slab. However, for some reason, our drafting standard is that all continuous and spread footings are drawn with hidden lines. I was just trying to recreate this "look" with RS. I had thought that the V/G settings and overrides would allow me to do this but it appears that whoever set up the continuous and spread footings didn't make a category for them, hence the control problems. It seems to work for footings added after the override...?

2005-10-04, 09:38 PM
Hi Ken, if you set the top level category "Structural Foundation" (not plan rep or hidden line subcategory) override to hidden line in V/G, then I think you will get what you are after.

Also, I noticed in the picture that the wall foundation and isolated foundation are not cleaning... the trick here is to use join geometry and select the isolated foundation first, then the wall foundation. To show they are continuous, use the line tool (you will have to select the line a couple times).

2005-10-05, 12:16 PM
I'll try setting the entire foundation category to a hidden line to see if that works like we expect. It is obviously assigning that line style to newly created objects but maybe setting the entire foundation category will work for the existing ones.

As for the join tool... The error that you see there is what pops up when I tried to join that isolated footing and that horizontal continuous wall footing. I selected the spread ftg and then the wall, then i get that, somewhat obtuse, error message. I'm kind of cross posting here because I already have this question in the trimming footings thread. (sorry to any offended) The other wall joins in the pic have already been cleaned up and quite nicely too. I wonder if these cleans and joins carry through if you have to move a column grid late in the project. (not that I EVER have to do that... ;)