View Full Version : Anyone using Revit for "other" purposes?

2005-10-05, 01:58 PM
Hey there,

Just curious. Has anyone here used Revit for doing things totally unrelated to Architecture and drafting? This program has some amazing abilities and I have found some interesting uses for it....other than for what it was intended.

As an example, last night I was working on a logo JPG for my band's new website so I could have a link button. I started in Corel as usual. Then the light came on and I thought, "This is stupid. I can do this in Revit faster and get light and shadows too!" After a few minutes, a few adjustments, voila. See image below.

The other thing I did last year is kinda cool too. I wanted to chop my Harley. Now, to those who don't know much about motorcycles, or bicycles, changing the angle of the front fork has sever consequences. It is a critical design issue as this affects the trail of the front wheel and therefore, affects the handling of the bike. It needs to be calculated very carefully.
So, I measured everything I needed on my bike, then, in simply a plan view, I modeled my bike. Then, I played with the fork angle (rake) and tube lengths. By rotating the changes made around the rear wheel's axle, I could actually see and measure the resulting trail of the front wheel. When I took my drawings to the frame builder, he couldn't believe it. He had been building bikes for over 40 years and he always did this by eye and tape measure. Hmmmmm, modern technology!

Just thought I would see if anyone else has any other 'unique' uses for Revit.


David Conant
2005-10-05, 02:11 PM
Post some pix of that Harley and the Revit project. :cool:

2005-10-05, 02:21 PM
Hi David,

First, I am really sorry that I won't get to see this year at AU. (I am not attending this year....)
Secondly, I will take some pictures this weekend. (I must be the only Harley owner who doesn't have photos of his/her own bike!)
As far as the Revit file, I don't know if I kept it. It is on my old machine hopefully. I will post some screen shots if it is.

Nice to hear from ya!

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-10-05, 03:21 PM
Bands, Harleys...

Once again living up to the Rock-n-Roll Architect moniker . I'd like to see the model as well.
Too bad you won't be at AU. Hoepfully we'll catch you next time.

Max Lloyd
2005-10-06, 08:36 AM
Hi Steve.

Well about the same time I was reading your post, I was handed a copy of our new corporate logo for the first time. Needless to say, your idea inspired me.....


Roger Evans
2005-10-06, 11:04 AM
Nice work Steve & Max

Who did the logo Max?

Max Lloyd
2005-10-06, 12:35 PM
Hi Roger.

I've no idea, but I am trying to find out.

Max Lloyd
2005-10-06, 12:53 PM
I think it was these (http://www.reefdesign.com/) guys

2005-10-06, 03:40 PM
Hey there,

Really nice Max!

2005-10-06, 06:17 PM
This was posted somewhere on Zoog or RUGI, can't remember which.