View Full Version : Clean Screen mode

Wes Macaulay
2004-02-23, 05:46 PM
I've been spending some time with the new ADT2005 beta. As you may know, AutoCAD is lifting some of the features that have made Revit famous - particularly sheet and annotation management. It's similar to Revit, there's no doubt.

One new feature in ADT 05 is the "Clean Screen toggle". It maximizes the ADT window, gets rid of the taskbar and main ADT menu bar, pallettes and everything. Very similar to what Photoshop can do.

So... I would love to see a similar tool in Revit. Press a key and the Design Bar, Options Bar, the taskbar from Windows and the main Revit titlebar all disappear, and you're left with nothing but room to work.

(If I say "I'm loving it" I'll probably get sued by McDonalds)

Anyhow, in case any of you are wondering if I'm getting soft on my position in Revit, the answer is just like Aaron Rumple's: Revit makes me happy. ADT users aren't working with the whole at any given time; you have to assemble the building together manually. Revit generates elevations and sections and 3D views in a fraction of the time that ADT takes.

Still, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Maybe one day they'll imitate Revit's ease of use, too :twisted:

Chad Smith
2004-02-23, 09:52 PM
Actually the "Clean Screen toggle" goes back to the days of AutoCAD 2000i and was in the Express Tools. Has it finally become a standard feature now?

But I agree that it is quite a powerful command. I used to use it all the time back in the the ADT days since all the commands and command options were run from the command line. I've said it before in other posts and I'll say it again, a command line in Revit would rock!! 8) That would eliminate the need for a Design Bar and an Option Bar, and coupled with the 'Full Screen' mode would make for a very slick interface.

I know die hard Revit users who haven't used AutoCAD before will hate me for saying this and as much as I love to use Revit, I think it has very much to learn about a good User Interface design, and AutoCAD would be a good start.

Scott D Davis
2004-02-23, 09:57 PM
Maybe one day they'll imitate Revit's ease of use, too :twisted:

What? And break tradition? I don't think it will happen!

Wes Macaulay
2004-02-23, 10:52 PM
Actually the "Clean Screen toggle" goes back to the days of AutoCAD 2000i and was in the Express Tools. Has it finally become a standard feature now?
I know die hard Revit users who haven't used AutoCAD before will hate me for saying this and as much as I love to use Revit, I think it has very much to learn about a good User Interface design, and AutoCAD would be a good start.
Huh - I never saw that among the 200i ET options... funny, that. It's a very nice trick.

Interface design is a very tricky business, and starting from scratch, I have to give Revit the upper hand. They've done more with less. Compare and contrast the Revit interface with ADT 3.3's interface... yikes!

Scott Hopkins
2004-02-24, 12:04 AM
Let’s start by getting rid of those dam scroll bars!!!!!! Never need em , never use em. :evil:

2004-02-24, 04:20 AM
. . . at least give us a toggle setting for the scroll bars in the Options.