View Full Version : Top of foundation Elevation

2005-10-05, 04:22 PM
Does anyone know how to get the foundation tags to show top of foundation
rather then ""Elevation at Bottom" For drilled pier foundations we
typically call out the top of pier in a label on plan together with the pier mark but I can't figure out how to calculate it since the Elevation at bottom Parameter is not available
in the foundation family, only in the project or the tag family.


Tom Weir
2005-10-05, 05:57 PM
Sounds like you need to use the Spot Elevation on the Drafting Menu. That should give you the elevation at the top of the object.

Tom Weir
Los Angeles

2005-10-06, 06:54 PM
Thanks for your reply.
I would like to use the foundation tags which at this point would give me the pier name and the bottom of the pier. It appears odd that if you can calculate the bottom of foundation why can't you extract the top as well.