View Full Version : Keynotes????

2005-10-05, 05:27 PM
The problem I am having with keynotes is I have already set up my keynote schedule and every time I place a new keynote it blanks out the information for that correlating number in the schedule. What's the deal???

2005-10-05, 07:12 PM
Are you using a type library? If not, and you only have ONE keynote defined, that keynote is defined for the entire project as the same value. In example. I have a keynote "Wall A"- Its value is 19. I add another keynote for Wall "A' and change its value to 21, then all keynote types "Wall A" will be 21, even if already inserted in the project. The work around on this is a type library for the keynote. If you haven't worked the tutorials on keynotes, might want to visit/revisit them to remind you of the limits and power of keynotes. Hope this helps as I am not exactly sure of what is going on in your example, but if you could post your keynote, someone might be able to give you a specific answer.

2005-10-05, 08:04 PM
For your note block: Sort by keynote number. It will then read correctly.

2005-10-05, 08:49 PM
If you have the same keynote number, but different values in the description field, it will blank the field out because it doesn't know which value to display (that is if your schedule is grouping by keynote number). If you copy the keynote rather than creating a new one with the same number, this issue goes away as it copies the description information over.

Also, if you make the schedule itemize all instances, you can copy the information from the keynote that has the right information to the offending blank keynotes to remedy the issue as well.

Hope that helps.