2005-10-06, 12:20 AM
Above is the original post:
After spending some time on the phone with support, it was quickly apparent that this was more complex that I thought it would have been.
I encourage you all to take a good look at this issue because it WILL save you some time if you were to ever need to create something similar.
There are 5 models total. 1 that shows the most correct way of using a system like this, and 4 more of how not to do it as well as some other problems that are occurring just tryin this.
Autodesk is aware of all the issues now, but I was kinda proud of myself for bringing several issues to their attention. . .maybe they will get fixed in the next release and I can say "hey, i got that in there"
Anyway, feel free to ask questions about the file if you like
Have fun.
Above is the original post:
After spending some time on the phone with support, it was quickly apparent that this was more complex that I thought it would have been.
I encourage you all to take a good look at this issue because it WILL save you some time if you were to ever need to create something similar.
There are 5 models total. 1 that shows the most correct way of using a system like this, and 4 more of how not to do it as well as some other problems that are occurring just tryin this.
Autodesk is aware of all the issues now, but I was kinda proud of myself for bringing several issues to their attention. . .maybe they will get fixed in the next release and I can say "hey, i got that in there"
Anyway, feel free to ask questions about the file if you like
Have fun.