View Full Version : Wall Cleanup problem

Chad Smith
2005-10-07, 04:34 AM
Refer attached RVT file. Note, all irrelevant objects have been deleted to reduce file size.

So I have this project file that has some partition walls. These walls have their Top Constraint set to an Unconnected height of 1500mm. But for some reason I am experiencing some funky wall cleanups AND incorrect wall display.

But... change the walls so that the Top Constraint is now set to 'First Floor' and the Top Offset is set to 1500mm, so that the wall is still the same height, and the problem disappears. Bug?

2005-10-07, 04:05 PM
Issue is being investigated. Thank you for pointing it.

The problem seems to be that most of the two walls at join are being drawn as viewed from top, while join on one of the wall shows layers. This occur if top of the wall is above cut plane, and is below the view top setting when level of details is set to medium or fine.

The issue did not happen when I tried walls in the standard content.

Sorry for trouble.

Wes Macaulay
2005-10-07, 04:13 PM
Lev, you guys are awesome. :Puffy:

2005-10-07, 07:37 PM
More info.

Investigation found the source of the problem to be 2 things at once:
1. The walls are less than 2 meters above the bottom clip of the view
2. There is Plan Region (big rectangle just above the topmost room bounding line). Delete it, and everything works fine.

When walls are just above bottom clip of the view, and there are no plan regions, Revit just displays model geometry.

When there is plan region, code get confused on how to interpreted such condition, and route non-existing layers at join, which are displayed.

Chad Smith
2005-10-09, 07:51 AM
Ah, I think I understand. As you could see it wasn't a problem, but rather more out of curiosity.