View Full Version : Change the save reminder trigger...

2005-10-11, 03:06 AM
Ever notice that the save reminder always pops up at the start of an operation or command? I find users (myself included) are busy thinking about the operation and cancel the save almost all the time.

The trigger should be moved to the end of commands so you can take a sip of coffee and hit the save.

2005-10-11, 03:24 AM
Good point! I have always thought this, but never got around to making the suggestion.

Mr Spot
2005-10-11, 03:26 AM
Yes, that would make a lot of sense!!

Chad Smith
2005-10-11, 03:59 AM
I too am guilty of cancelling the save, and would like it moved to the end.

2005-10-11, 04:44 AM
I've noticed this too - just happened to me not more than a few minutes ago - and without fail, it always happens just as I'm about to show someone something I'm working on.

However, it would appear to be far more difficult for Revit to accurately figure out when you're "done" with a command and it would be far more annoying if Revit interrupted you unexpectedly. So, at least I appreciate the current consistancy.

Regardless, what is annoying is the invasive interruption of the workflow... the dialog box that forces immediate action. What I'd like is to be reminded to save without requiring immediate action if I'm in the middle of something.

So, what I think would be really neat would be for the save icon (or an icon in the status bar or whatever) to pulsate - e.g. on and off, change the color to red - like your fuel gauge in your car when you're running on empty. Just enough so you can keep on working if you want to, but just annoying enough that you won't let it go indefinitely.

Chad Smith
2005-10-11, 05:01 AM
So, what I think would be really neat would be for the save icon (or an icon in the status bar or whatever) to pulsate - e.g. on and off, change the color to red - like your fuel gauge in your car when you're running on empty. Just enough so you can keep on working if you want to, but just annoying enough that you won't let it go indefinitely.
I don't use toolbars, so a pulsating 'Save' button wouldn't work for me, but a reminder on the Status Bar or Options Bar would work.

2005-10-11, 01:08 PM
I'd opt for an Autosave check box. Just do it when it is time. With workset history and the backup files and the undo, I don't think it would be a problem.

2005-10-11, 05:30 PM
I'd opt for an Autosave check box. Just do it when it is time. With workset history and the backup files and the undo, I don't think it would be a problem.

Autosave would be nice, as long as it would save after you finish a command and not when you start one. Thats one thing thats bugs me in acad, kicking you out of a command and forgetting what your going to do. But I'll live with that headach over the headach of a backup file several hours old with lost work in between.

2005-10-11, 05:34 PM
That is one of the best, simplest suggestions I've heard in awhile. The worst is when it pops up as you have just finished a rendering and the machine is at a dead crawl so I'm always worried it will lock up on me before I get to save the image.

2005-10-11, 06:32 PM
Another thing that bothers me is the fact that it doesn't take into account the last time you saved, I'll STC and a minute later the dialog pops up, it should reset the timer after you save

2005-10-12, 02:36 AM
I'd opt for an Autosave check box. Just do it when it is time. With workset history and the backup files and the undo, I don't think it would be a problem.
I like the way autosave works in AutoCAD: it will discard the autosave information if you choose to close the file without saving. However, autocad files usually take about five seconds to save...

But when it takes thirty seconds to save, I'd rather have a little more flexibility in choosing the time to take a "break".

More importantly, I wouldn't want an autosave feature permanently saving changes I don't necessarily intend to keep... or maybe even autosaving without me noticing only to find a "messed up" family or project file when I return to it a few days later.

If it's just an "option", I'm all for choice - but it's something I'd definitely turn off.