View Full Version : Word of warning! Error...window shall be closed.

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-10-11, 08:36 AM
There seems to be a buffer on the amount of windows open in 8.1. I am finding this extremely annoying. Is there a setting I am missing? Are the rest of you also experiencing the same issue.
It becomes increasingly dangerous, when there are other files open such as family files.
It's happened twice now in just 2 days, where I switch to an open family to edit.

Once the error occurs
"An error has occurred while drawing the contents of this window. This window shall be closed."
Revit brings up the dialogue box to chose another view. IN ALL INSTANCES RATHER PRESS CANCEL!!!! If you chose another view Revit will shut down!!! Loosing all work.

It's fine when you get the error in the same file all you have to do is "Close Hidden Widows"
and you can continue working. But still extremely annoying!!!!!!
The shut down problem occurs across open files.
Just a word of warning!

Nic M.
2005-10-11, 11:20 AM
I had the same warning a couple of times.
But I could chose an other plan, elevation from the list presented with no problem.
I presume in my case it was related to the "overlay planes" in the option settings. I turned them off and haven't received any error since. (Quadro FX 1300 config version 77.56)

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-10-11, 12:08 PM
Thanks Nic.
I will try with overlay panes switched off.

2005-10-11, 12:22 PM
I too have received this error several times, usually while working in a family with one or two other windows open in project. I have had the overlay planes turned off and still get the message. I may call my vendor to see if they can identify the problem. I think there is a way they can link to my computer to check setting and such.