View Full Version : Any Way to Hide Equal Dimensions?

2005-10-11, 06:18 PM
The ability to create dimesnions as "equal" is helpful. I am using this in a design excercise and want to use the "EQ" to maintain two equally sized rooms but I don't particularily want these "EQ" dimensions to display in my final drawing.

Is there a way to hide these dimensions? I realise I can hide "ALL" my dimensions in the Visibilty/Graphics, but what about just a selective few?

Any possible way?

2005-10-11, 06:21 PM
Just delete the dimension, it will ask if you want to unconstrain, just hit ok instead of unconstrain and it will remain equal

2005-10-11, 08:16 PM
As easy as that?

I took a look and it also seems to maintain the constraint even after the dimension is deleted...!?



2005-10-12, 07:45 AM
Or, if you want the actual figure to appear, click the dimension, then go into properties and click the "eq" toggle to display the measured value.

2005-10-12, 08:20 PM
A little prob for me is not what you are wrote but how (if possible) change the text EQ to my wish. This is because here in Italy, translation is made literally so we have "Condizione di equaglianza", really a strange situation in short dimensions, but, as far as I can see, there's no way to change it.
Maybe it's another hard coded object as stair arrows...