View Full Version : Floor Patterns

2005-10-11, 07:17 PM
How do you get to display a floor pattern in a plan view?
I want to show the tile layout in the bathrooms and kitchen.
Any help would be appreciated.

2005-10-11, 07:22 PM
I think if you do a quick search, you'll find the consensus is to draw a finish floor layer over the structural floor. This gives you great control over placement of all the finishes.

2005-10-11, 07:28 PM

I tried searching the forum about this and couldn't find anything.
I also placed the floor finishes as you suggest; but the pattern doesn't display and I don't know how to modify the pattern even if they did.

Roger Evans
2005-10-11, 07:35 PM

but the pattern doesn't display and I don't know how to modify the pattern even if they did.

I had the same problem yesterday plans did not show pattern (only colour) but 3D Axo did (Revit 8.0)

2005-10-11, 07:40 PM
If you construct it the way we do. Then the first structural floor will be at the floor level. The finish floor will then be drawn and you'll need to change it's properties to lift it up the correct thickness. Floors always work down from the sketch level. So you would end up with two floors overlapping.

You can make use of this if you are doing conc. with recessed areas for tile. The overlapping floor can cut the lower structural floor.

2005-10-11, 07:49 PM
I tried searching the forum about this and couldn't find anything.
I also placed the floor finishes as you suggest; but the pattern doesn't display and I don't know how to modify the pattern even if they did. There's actually quite a bit on floors. See my response in this Thread (# 4) (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=26741&highlight=floors)

I also want to ask how intricate you're looking at doing your patterns, because this will have an impact as to what you can do. IF it's a simple Tile pattern (4x4, 8x8, 12x12, 24x24 at 45 degrees, etc) or wood flooring, then do the following:

Make a new Material such as: Finishes - Interior - Tile 8x8
Create a new Surface Pattern: 8x8 Tile

Use Model based pattern with 8"horz. and 8" vert. crosshatch pattern
(Assign a different pattern as required if wood or stone.)

Assign an Accurender material that corresponds to this material
For the Floor itself:

Make a new Floor definition (duplicate another floor), then Edit.
Edit the structure - changing its thickness to 1/8"
Change Structure[1] to be the Material definition (above)
Save Changes.

Create a new floor, using this new floor definition.
Make sure that under Floor Properties, you set the Height Offset From Level to 1/8" - (This is to get the tile to 'sit' on the concrete floor below.
Each floor that is a different material can now have a different definition and be controlled independently from the 'main slab'.

Also - as to the visibility, please check the Visibility Graphics ( V V ) setting for Floors - Surface Pattern in each of your views. This may have been turned off. Turn on to see your patterns.

I hope this helps.


2005-10-11, 07:51 PM
I raised the floor finishes the proper thickness and they shown up as a blank white space. Am I suppose to be using filled regions for this or should the material I choose have a floor pattern built in by default? If so where would you change the settings for the floor patterns?

2005-10-11, 07:53 PM
Thanks kyle!

That is greatly appreciated.

2005-10-12, 01:47 PM
You can also use the paint tool on the floor system also. Simply use the Tools-> Split Face command and split the slab into the different areas. Then use the paint bucket tool to "paint" the new face with a material that has the correct hatch pattern defined.

I use a separate floor defined per Aaron usually. You need to be aware this floor will affect dimensioning in sections etc, so if you are use to dimensioning to slabs as the "finished floor" dimension, this finish flooring will affect that. (Again, the discipline of Revit strikes - a good thing)

Another "gotcha" is that a door swing defined for a level will be obsured by the finish floor applied slightly above that level. You'll have to raise the door by the height of the finish floor to have the door swing show in plan properly.

2005-10-12, 02:56 PM
Another "gotcha" is that a door swing defined for a level will be obsured by the finish floor applied slightly above that level. You'll have to raise the door by the height of the finish floor to have the door swing show in plan properly.It won't if you follow my door lessons here on AUGI starting in November....

2005-10-12, 03:01 PM
:) Cool, a leason from a guru... Loooking forward to eet... :)

2005-11-20, 10:37 PM
any reason why a split face which has been painted and is indicated as such, as in a bathroom, would not show in the floor plan? If I turn the floor into something with a pattern, the pattern of the floor shows up but not the pattern I painted on. In the visibility setting I have everything but massing turned on. Any ideas?

2005-11-21, 10:12 AM

For plan views i use this way


Simply and coordinated

2011-07-11, 09:29 PM
Note that floor surface pattern visibility is hidden by default, check your visibility graphics.

2011-07-11, 10:18 PM
Note that floor surface pattern visibility is hidden by default, check your visibility graphics.

Why bring back a 6 year old topic?

Floor surface pattern is not hidden by default, unless you set up plan views in your template to be that way in the first place. New plan views created from levels always have floor pattern visibility turned on by default.