View Full Version : Tile Roof Material

Henry D
2003-05-21, 03:08 PM
I have seen renderings done with Accurender that show tile roofs. I searched the RUGI and Revit sites and can't find one. Is there anywhere I can download a tile roof material?

Thanks a lot

2003-05-21, 03:25 PM
I have a bunch of great roof text. where should I post them, some are very large files.

I've got tons I've created. let me know what style

2003-05-21, 04:21 PM
I posted one called old world tile 4 on the rugi site.

Bryan Sutton
2003-05-21, 07:16 PM
Here are a couple of supplier sites that have great images of their product that you can use for your texture maps. Just find the style you like and download it and apply it to a new texture in Accurender.

Henry D
2003-05-21, 08:48 PM
Thank you both!

Scott, Is the one on the RUGI site listed under "old world tile 4"? I couldn't find it.

2003-05-22, 12:59 PM
Yes its in the textures directory. Once you download the image you need to make a new material in accurender. I can post my mlib. file but you would need all of my textures also for that to work, it easier just to make your own out of the image.

If you need help doing that, let me know.

2003-05-22, 01:15 PM
Note it is under texture maps, not the revit textures.

I also uploaded my bellavista.mlib and scott.mlib

the bellavista. has the roof texture in it.

Henry D
2003-05-22, 03:23 PM
Thanks I found it and downloaded it - it looks great. I am new at this so I have a pretty basic question. What I downloaded is a texture for a rendered or shaded view. What do I do for a roof tile pattern for hidden line elevations?

2003-05-22, 04:21 PM
I'll jump in 'cause I need to get my post numbers up.

Scott - I also downloaded your oldworld texture. Thanks. Can your check your set-up and tell us what scale factor you used for the texture map?

Henry, when you define your roof material, designate a model surface pattern. The one I have used is named "barrel" - I believe it also came from RUGI.

BTW - back in the 2d world, they'll use one hatch pattern for roof plans, and a different one for elevation views (I think that barrel is one of these.) Some how it looks ok in elevation and axo views. Roof plans will need some massaging.