View Full Version : Schedule bug from an infill element

Kirk Bricker
2005-10-12, 05:34 PM
I have a project that has existing walls and doors. When I demo an existing door, it creates the new construction wall infill. I have then proceeded to calculate the lineal feet of the new walls for this project(799'). When I got the bids back for the new wall install, I was 300 feet longer than what the estimate (499')had for lineal feet. What I have found is that when you demo a door in an existing wall, the new construction lineal feet is taking from that full length of the existing wall. It does not just take the 3 feet of infill, and use that in the schedule, it uses the whole length of the existing wall also. So, I am creating a schedule of new construction lineal feet that is going to be an incorrect number, because it is also calculating the existing wall lengths that have a infill wall.

Is this a Bug? Or is there another solution?


2005-10-13, 05:35 PM
It's a units issue. There is no Length parameter for an infill wall therefore it uses the hosts length. If you add area and volume to your wall schedule those values will calculate correctly. I would report it so it gets fixed. Nice catch... if unfortunate.