View Full Version : Lock Model not Detail

2005-10-12, 06:12 PM
example : say your drafting detail items over any given view. It sure is nice to be able to use crossing windows and other actions to modify your drafting lines, or symbols or what ever, but your constantly worrying about grabbing things beyond or that are part of the model and sometimes you dont even know it happened.

Is there a way to keep everything in the view locked except for detail items, with out going through and locking everything, just a temp type thing? I don't think there is, but it would be nice if there was.


Scott D Davis
2005-10-12, 06:20 PM
If you uncheck the Press and Drag checkbox in the Options Bar, you can window things all day long without worrying about accidently grabbing and moving other items.

2005-10-12, 06:29 PM
Yea, thats not the issue I'm really talkin about.

Say your in elevation, and you have your clg's drawn. and you draw some detail lines or groups or symbols over this elevation. Then to move a group of info you pull a crossing window across. If you notice, even though the clg's are beyond the wall, they are still selected. Not a big big deal to go into filters and take them out, but sometimes you dont even know you snagged something like that and it gets moved or deleted. It would be a bit diff if you could see that they were red, but since they are hidden they dont show except for when you are in the action of selecting them.


Exar Kun
2005-10-13, 04:26 AM
Agreed with this one. It would be nice to have some way of locking 3d elements in a view.

Martin P
2005-10-13, 07:14 AM
What I do when I want to pick up just detail stuff is go to view properties, and switch "display model" to off....

There is a (pointless) underlay option too, but as it still lets you select the model its not something I see a real use for. If it actually locked all the model objects from being able to be picked, and set them to underlay (like a locked layer in Autocad) it would be something I would use ALL the time...

Its on the wishlist from a long time back, I will find it..

2005-10-13, 10:52 AM
You could also use the filter button and filter out everything but the lines. I just wish it would also filter detail lines and model lines separately.

2005-10-13, 01:12 PM
I think this is a great wishlist item, something like design options where everything is not "selectable" except what you are working. Make and option to enter detail sketch mode, the model goes grey you detail over it, then finish, then you can modify the model again if needed.