View Full Version : Where is the point command?

2005-10-12, 08:51 PM
Okay what are you guys using for points?
I've been using a circular filled region with solid black fill with the size based on the scale factor; but if I change the scale the points need to be manually updated.
Is that what you guys are using or is there something else?
Should I create a filled region with a size parameter that adjusts to scale?
Is that even possible?

2005-10-12, 09:07 PM
What do use a point for?

2005-10-12, 09:18 PM
What do use a point for?
to stack angels on.

2005-10-12, 10:00 PM
I want to create a parametric UP & DN stair symbol / label with an arrow and a dot that adjusts to the scale and displays the amount of risers. Is this possible?

2005-10-12, 10:44 PM
I want to create a parametric UP & DN stair symbol / label with an arrow and a dot that adjusts to the scale and displays the amount of risers. Is this possible?
That would be handy!...I'll watch to see developments....(I'm a little raw at creating families at this point)

2005-10-13, 09:40 PM
You can change the leader head to be a dot - would this work for you?

2005-10-13, 10:46 PM
Yes that probably would work.
Stupid question but where is the leader tool?
I only see it available if I add text.
Can the dot size be adjusted?

What about helpng me with the rest of how to create such a label?
If you have some time to spare that is?

I just like to use points when laying out my geometry.
Just the way I'm acustomed to working with CAD.
I guess I will have to learn new ways of doing things; since Revit doesn't have Points.

2005-10-13, 11:54 PM
I recall a recent discussion about Revit and points. It was pointed out that Revit doesn't allow points to be imported from AutoCAD because they have a zero value. So Revit doesn't have them natively either for the same reason. Revit is a database so everything has to have some data.

2005-10-14, 03:23 AM
create a generic annotation family that is just the smallest filled region or circle you want. then load it into your project and when you place it you can add leaders to it and in properties set what arrowhead you want. you can then make additional types with diif arrowheads. you can also make an empty ga family for leaders.

2005-10-14, 01:56 PM
Yes that probably would work.
Stupid question but where is the leader tool?
I only see it available if I add text.
Can the dot size be adjusted?

What about helpng me with the rest of how to create such a label?

Leaders are only available with text or tags. The Leader Arrowhead parameter can be accessed throught the type properties of the text or tag. Under Settings>Annotations>Arrowheads you can control what different arrowheads look like. We try to make points like these smarter by keeping them as part of another tool. If you have other applications for places where you think you do need points, let's look at what your ultimate goal is and see if we can satisfy it through another tool.

2005-10-14, 02:25 PM
Scott & LMSmith;

Thanks for the help and thanks for getting me started with the RFA's you sent.
I will try to figure out how to have this tag be hosted to the stair like the stair tag that comes with Revit does.

Wes Macaulay
2005-10-14, 02:40 PM
to stack angels on.LOL

Thanks for that

2005-10-21, 01:18 PM
Here is a good example where a point command would be useful.

I'm sure I could make the void with a work around; but why should that be necessary if only we had a point command.

2005-10-21, 02:12 PM
I wouldn't use a void at all. I'd use a blend. One solid. Done. See attached.

2005-10-21, 02:19 PM
Okay Aaron that would work; but now I need to add several more of these voids at the top; which would create a sloping roof in many directions. All the voids are similar where they come to a point on one end. Do you still feel a point command wouldn't help create geometric shapes easier? Almost every other 3D modeling program has one. Am I the only one that feels we need one?

Here is the building I want to create. I figured using a rectangular mass with voids to get the shape of the building. Should I be using another route for something like this?

2005-10-21, 03:48 PM
The whole thing can be done with blends solids and blend voids.

2005-10-21, 04:08 PM
How do you create a void blend that starts with a point?
Pretty much like a 3 sided pyramid upside down.

2005-10-21, 04:52 PM
Look at the blend option as Aaron has pointed out. Think you'll find it the tool you need.Attached is a simple mass, grouped (to rid of the excess overhead) and renamed zip to post. Simply rename to rvg and add group to project to edit.

2005-10-21, 05:09 PM
I understood about the blend; but not how to do the voids for the roof.
The roof is sloping and has 3 ridges.
Also the sides of the building lean out on two sides at different angles.

2005-10-21, 05:33 PM
I guess what I'm trying to get at is, if I could create a blend (solid or void) where one end would be a point that would be great.

2005-10-21, 05:47 PM
A revolve would do that.

Try not to back yourself into a corner thinking that only one particular option is the "one" you must use. You can start with a plain box and carve away all manner of shapes with a variety of voids. Modelling with clay...the void is your knife or hand. A blend might get you to a given shape quicker in some cases but if it doesn't, using combinations of the options for creating solids/voids is pretty flexible.

2005-10-21, 06:35 PM
Imagine making a a twisted picket with a pointed tip at the top. Another is Autodesk's image of the cone shaped twisted structure. How the heck did they create that. If we had a rotating blend tool that uses a point as the top sketch, then we wouldn't have to use voids at all.

I'm just trying to justify the need for a point tool for some commands. I know there are many different ways to create the same shape or achieve the same thing.