View Full Version : Question about Window Trims

Matt Mercer
2005-10-13, 11:05 PM
Lets say I have a window on the front elevation with 2x4 trim around it. I go to the right elevation - I do not want to see the trim on the front elevation although it does stick out an inch and half. If I shut off the trim on the window visibilities I also shut off all the trim on the right elevation. Is there anyway I can shut off the front trim but leave the right trim on - in different views?


I would have to guess not - but lets see what other people say.

Paul Monsef
2005-10-13, 11:23 PM
How about;

Just use the linework tool and force the side trim to invisible lines.


Adjust the window trim family NOT to show lines on the left or right side.

Matt Mercer
2005-10-13, 11:33 PM
Thanks Paul - fixed it - to easy of a question.

2005-10-16, 03:32 AM
Actually, If you'd like my 2cents worth, I'd suggest creating the trim using a nested family. This would allow you to have a 3.5" wide trim option, a brick-mold option, and a no-trim option setup as an instance parameter so you could select any of these options (or more if you'd wish to nest more) on the windows any time you'd like.