View Full Version : Why wall Location Line always defaults to Wall Centreline?

Gadget Man
2005-10-14, 01:52 AM
This is V8.1 build: 20050914_0100.

Why, oh why wall Location Line always defaults to "Wall Centreline"? I tried to find the way to permanently set it up for "Face of Core: Exterior", but with no success... :?

Each and every time I start to draw a wall (whatever wall), it always is set to "Wall Centreline"!

Each and every time I change the option to "Face of Core" and the very next time (in the same session) I want to draw a wall it's all over the same again... :banghead:

I never use "Wall Centrelines" - for anything, and it is becoming really annoying! It was bad enough in previous versions: every session it would start with "centrelines" as a default, but at least it remembered MY setup for duration of a session! Its current behaviour is really ridiculous!

Is there any way to fix this?

Not to mension a simple request (already several times by several people!) for the last entered value (lengths, etc.) to be remembered for the next use.... How many times we need to type the same value in? What a waste of time! I would rather (gladly!!!!) put up with a slight increase of the memory usage, for the sake of creating another variable remembering my last typed value....

2005-10-14, 02:59 AM
mine doesn't work this way, it seems to keep the last choice. i havent upgraded to the latest 8.1 build though. also i've gotten in the habit of using create sim(rt click on wall), instead of the wall command, this sets the loc and height constraints

2005-10-14, 01:22 PM
I get this same thing. It is annoying because I rarely use wall centerline. I figured it had to do with the way my template is set up, but haven't had the time to check it out yet.

2005-10-14, 01:38 PM
It would be nice if we could set a default per wall type. We draw exterior to face of struct. core. Interior to centerline.

2005-10-14, 02:15 PM
Not sure why you're having that problem jeti, mine keeps the last choice and I tried changing my template to core face exterior, started a new project and it defaults to that....EDIT nevermind, if I close revit and reopen it defualts back to centerline, so obviously it's a per session setting

2005-10-14, 09:52 PM
Yes, the default is always to the centerline for a new Revit session.

Definitely should be changed.

2005-10-15, 02:56 PM
It would be nice if we could set a default per wall type. We draw exterior to face of struct. core. Interior to centerline.

It would be extremely useful if we could set defaults for each wall type created. That way, we wouldn't have to go back and edit the height parameters each time. In particular with walls below the cut line.

2005-10-15, 07:46 PM
I sure wish settings were sticky also. I know this setting used to be.
What kind of "logic" would lead to a change like this?
When are we going to start seeing improvements in the area of drafting on this proggie?
e.g., reduction in mouse clicks, improved UI, and stickier settings on highly repetitive
operations, plus all those long neglected wish list items?

This is really where the rubber meets the road for what the future Revit base will begin to look like if this prog. is going to be the industry leader for AEC.

Scott D Davis
2005-10-15, 08:30 PM
When are we going to start seeing improvements in the area of drafting on this proggie? e.g., reduction in mouse clicks, improved UI, and stickier settings on highly repetitive
The Factory is well aware of improvements to be made in the UI. Also, if you saw the video regarding Office 12, it looks like MS may be changing. If so, then many "Windows Compliant" programs, including Revit, may follow. This could be some time from now, although I think Revit UI changes will start showing up sooner.

2005-10-15, 08:43 PM
Revit is far from Windows compliant.

ADT is the last couple of releases has gone Windows compliant and made a mess out of profiles and installation management.

Let's hope that Revit continues with it's simplicity.

2006-08-30, 07:59 PM
It would be nice if we could set a default per wall type. We draw exterior to face of struct. core. Interior to centerline.

I'll call and raise you! The default per style should apply no matter how the wall is created - Basic Wall, added to a Stacked Wall, or embedded in a Curtain Wall.

This is driving me NUTS right now because I'm building the exterior shell of a building by embedding walls in curtain walls (and nested curtain walls, and then some). It's slick like snot off a roosters beak, except that I want ALL of my wall panels to be located to the core face, AND I want them all to schedule as wall (if only for tagging). I have to change EACH AND EVERY WALL from Core Centerline to Core Face Exterior, and this can't be done while creating the wall -- it has to be done thru the properties dialog after the wall is created. I'd like to be wringing someone's neck right about now...

Gadget Man
2006-08-30, 11:20 PM
Well, since my first (starting) post in this Thread I discovered two things:

Revit defaults to the first item on the relevant list of options. "Center of Wall" option happens to be the first... The same goes for the text alignment tool (Left, Centre, Right)...
There is a difference (although why it should be - I do not know!) between two ways in which you can select wall baseline:
Within wall properties dialog box
From the Properties Bar (above the Drawing Window)

The second method is more "permanent" (stays selected throughout the session) while the first method works (usually - no consequence there...) as a temporary setting only...

In any case that should be changed, since it is very annoying to constantly keep an eye on the settings rather than concentrating on the drawing...
Why should we be bothered with something so trivial and distracting from the real job?

Footnote: I wrote this post without Revit opened in front of me, so please excuse my inaccurate naming of Revit elements... I hope you will know what I tried to say... :)