View Full Version : Fascia Continuation at Dormer Roof Intersecton

2005-10-14, 09:03 PM
I have a main roof that has a number of dormer roofs attached to it using the "join roof" command. When I applied the fascia, it connects to the entire face of the main roof and doesn't interupt at each dormer, see attached images.

In the end, I can hide these from view once I put my gable end walls and soffits in place, but in section you see it running through on the main roof (which I can hide using filled region).... but is there a way to have the fascia stop and start where a dormer roof intersects a main roof?

2005-10-14, 10:14 PM
Are you intentionally leaving the main roof section under the dormer? For the facia to follow around the dormer The roofs need to be joined with the lap cut out of the main roof.
If you want to leave the main roof going through under the dormer and split the facia you can drag one end of the facia to the first split location add another facia where you just draged off from and then drag its end to your other split location.
Another option might be to cut out the main roof lap and then put it back again as a separate roof.

2005-10-15, 12:13 PM
Are you intentionally leaving the main roof section under the dormer? For the facia to follow around the dormer The roofs need to be joined with the lap cut out of the main roof.

No, I wasn't intentionally intending to leave the main roof section under the dormers. I just wasn't sure how to get rid of these pieces and figured they wouldn't be visible anyway so I just left them in ... until I added the fascia, then I realised they are a problem.

I'll try cutting them out by joining the geometries...

2005-10-15, 02:03 PM
You can build that roof condition with one roof instead of two and joining.