View Full Version : forced to use ADT

2005-10-17, 08:25 AM
This is probably the wrong place to post this question but I was unable to post in the ADT forum. Anyway, I know there are a lot of converts from ADT now using Revit so I thought I would post my question anyway.

After using Revit for a year I recently found myself working for a firm that uses ADT 2004:( As stated I have used Revit and before that I was using ACAD.

Does anyone have a good set of shortcuts for ADT that I could use and manipulate.

Also, does anyone know if I can work in Revit and then convert my revit file to ADT?

thank you and all the best,


PS I am trying to convert them... but in the mean time.......

2005-10-17, 08:40 AM
...but I was unable to post in the ADT forum...You weren't? Anyone should be able to post in any forum they can visit except for a few that are read only and no ADT forums are read only that I'm aware of. You should be able to post and ask that group of users. Unless you were referring to a personal inability/unwillingness to post there?

...Also, does anyone know if I can work in Revit and then convert my revit file to ADT?Not and be happy with the results, you won't be able to edit or work with the data like you can native ADT objects. (except for structure if you use Revit Structure to some degree)

I wish you luck with your efforts on both fronts.

2005-10-17, 10:08 AM
Or you can try and convert your company to be Revit users showing them just how efficient and easy it is to use instead of ADT.

2005-10-17, 04:02 PM
Deepest condolences, and I hope you find your way back soon...


2005-10-17, 10:16 PM
We feel your pain . . . cry me a river . . .

2005-10-17, 11:54 PM
Even Civil 3D is a bless.

2005-10-18, 05:59 AM
We are in the process of switching from ADT to Revit. None of this would of happened if it were not for the CEO and CFO being sold on it first. Contact you local reseller and have lunch time demo for the bosses. Don't sell them on Revit and what a awesome software it is, sell them on the $$$$ it will save.

Good luck,

2005-10-18, 01:25 PM
Someone told me recently that the best connection between Revit and ADT is IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) - believe it or not. While I haven't tried this yet, you can export IFC from Revit and import IFC into ADT using a 3rd party plug-in. Guess it would be worth trying before you start over.

Let us know if you try this.