View Full Version : Stretchable Instance Parameter?

2004-02-27, 10:20 PM
Here's another question from an "ex-Family Master"... :oops:

Can a family be created with an Instance parameter for something like "Panel Length" and then used to dynamically stretch the instance after placement in the project model? For example, I'm creating a duct family with Width and Height type parameters, but would like the Length of the duct to be editable on the fly without going into Properties.

Am I missing something?

Scott D Davis
2004-02-27, 10:51 PM
You were close! First, generic models don't like to stretch by shape handles, so I changed your family to a Mechanical family. Secondly, the reference plans set to "Strong Reference" are the ones that control the geometry by shape handles. Load the attached, insert in in your drawing, and then hoover over the 'length' edge of the duct, and hit Tab until the single top line highlights. Then click and drag...the duct will stretch to where ever you'd like. Then you can click on properties, and set the length to a real dimension, rather than an arbitrary click in space.

2004-02-29, 10:56 PM
Many thanks, Scott! I got so absorbed in creating my own content, I completely forgot there was a Mechanical Equipment category. :shock:

I'm back on track now and ready to rock! :twisted:

2005-02-16, 07:42 PM
Scott and James,

I'm trying to build a mass family for space planning purposes. I can't figure out how to get shape handles on the family so that I can stretch the instances after they are loaded and wihtout having to go into the properties dialogue.

I started with a Mass template. Based on this disucssion I tried starting with something else. A furniture family for instance does provide shape handles. But then wouldn't I have to use a furniture tag to create a schedule? Am I missing something?


Scott D Davis
2005-02-16, 09:22 PM
In your Mass Family, you need to make the parameters that you create to control h x w x d of your mass as Instance Parameters. Make Ref Planes that the mass attaches to, and make those Ref Planes a "Strong Reference". Then load in your project and highlight the mass. It should now have Shape Handles as little triangles.

2007-07-03, 09:15 PM
Is it possible to have shape handles for an instance parameter inside of a generic annotation family? I'm having trouble getting this one to work. The family will stretch, but no shape handles.

See attachment.

2007-07-03, 11:00 PM
There are no ref. planes in a generic annotation family and that's why it doesn't work. You might want to consider a line-based detail component.

2007-07-05, 02:54 PM
Thanks for the tip, Dave. I'm trying to figure this guy out. I know annotation symbols will automatically scale, correct? I would like for the tick marks and text to auto-scale with the view scale. To do this, I assume I should insert anno symbols inside the line-based detail component. Is this doable or is that why you prefer the dimension with small-text option.

If you go with the small-text dim, is there anyway to anchor / attach the override text to the dimension?

2007-07-06, 02:57 PM
Unfortunately you cannot attach the text to the dimension the way you want. I'll be just like drafting it by hand almost (independent of each other).

I think nesting generic annotations should work when it comes to scaling. If not, your only option is to include a scaling factor and create multiple types on the fly, although text would still need to be in an annotation family since you cannot control text size from the project.

You might start experimenting and then post a partial example if you need more help. It'sll be easier that way :)