View Full Version : Thin, angled hatch pattern

2005-10-17, 07:14 PM
My latest challenge is trying to replicate some of the A**D hatch patterns for detailing.
This one is Plywood in section. Revit wants to keep the pattern at the same angle regardless of how I rotate its boundary. The Black background is AutoCAD, the white is Revit. I can't really create different Hatch patterns at different angles, because the plywood could be at any angle.

2005-10-17, 07:25 PM
try using the "split hair" pattern.- Just kidding... Make a new fill material for pywd at various angles and generate patterns at the appropiate rotations using a hatch editing software.

2005-10-17, 08:35 PM
Make a new fill material for pywd at various angles and generate patterns at the appropiate rotations using a hatch editing software.But,

I can't really create different Hatch patterns at different angles, because the plywood could be at any angle.I could have dozens of patterns - all duplicating the same thing, just at different angles.

Seems like it should be simple to make the Hatch Angle an Instance parameter instead of (in addition to?) a Type parameter.

2005-10-17, 08:46 PM
I could have dozens of patterns - all duplicating the same thing, just at different angles.
that's true. You asked a question I answered it. Didn't say it wasn't more trouble than its worth, which was kinda my point. Use a different hatch patter for your plywood, one without specific rotation, show it on a standard sheet, and you are home free. if any contractor comes to you and says he can't install this plywood because its hatch is rotated, you have my premission to hack his or her head off with a rusty dull spoon. Add that as a section in your spec.

Seems like it should be simple to make the Hatch Angle an Instance parameter instead of (in addition to?) a Type parameter.
Yes that would be ideal, submit it as a wish list item. Sounds like a good idea.

Mr Spot
2005-10-17, 09:51 PM
You could just rotate the hatch pattern per view by tab selecting one of the lines and using the rotate command...

2005-10-17, 10:34 PM
I can rotate the boundary, but how do I rotate the pattern?

TAB gets me around to the different lines in the boundary, but the hatch pattern itself never highlights.

Mr Spot
2005-10-18, 07:33 AM
Sorry just re-read... its a cut pattern... i don't believe cut patterns can be rotated only surface patterns.

2005-10-18, 01:32 PM
Here's my plywood. We just leave the hatching out of the section and add in the pattern for enlarged details...

2005-10-18, 02:43 PM
Import this in as a model pattern, works great. It's not exactly the same but if you can tell me which pattern you're using in ACAD (or post it here if it's not standard acad pattern) then I can make it the same

2005-10-18, 02:51 PM
And a detail component

2005-10-19, 01:40 PM
Thanks for the file, guys.

Sorry I didn't respond sooner. We had a "personnel event" yesterday & I was kinda busy changing admin passwords and the like.

:roll: I thought I was a CAD guy, not a network manager...

2005-10-19, 02:00 PM
So I take that worked for you?

2005-10-19, 03:04 PM
Haven't had a chance to try it yet, so I don't know if it works.

But there are(were) two people here who don't work for me anymore.

2005-10-19, 03:07 PM
I don't get it? Are you saying you fired two people because of this?

But there are(were) two people here who don't work for me anymore.

2005-10-19, 07:00 PM
OK, things have settled down a bit.

David K - looks like your Repeating Detail is going to do it for me. Thanks a lot.

Comso - , no not because of plywood, although I'd like to take a sheet of plywood to these people for the way they behaved. Make that mis-behaved. You'd think grown people would know better, but I guess not everyone is grown up enough to behave in an office setting.

At least neither of them were Revit users. We're way to mature to engage in foolish behavior.

Thanks everybody.

2005-10-19, 07:11 PM
I think I understand the kind of sticky (no pun intended) situation you are talking about. I had an idea that might help, when you are constructing wal or roof types, instead of one layer for plywood use three or four with a diag hatch and the separations in layers might read as the hatch you want at detail level scales. dso for a 3/4" bd, use three 1/4" layers in the setup and that might do the trick for you.

OK, things have settled down a bit.

David K - looks like your Repeating Detail is going to do it for me. Thanks a lot.

Comso - , no not because of plywood, although I'd like to take a sheet of plywood to these people for the way they behaved. Make that mis-behaved. You'd think grown people would know better, but I guess not everyone is grown up enough to behave in an office setting.

At least neither of them were Revit users. We're way to mature to engage in foolish behavior.

Thanks everybody.