View Full Version : Ramps...

2005-10-18, 02:22 AM
Ramps seem to take me ages... railings go all over the place, turning corners seems to freak Revit out, and i cant attach the top of walls to the underside of a ramp as if it were a floor slab.

I dont think i am doing anything wrong with them as its easy to draw them the first time - editing them seems to be the problem though... Shifting boundaries out by 50mm, changing runs and riser lines always gives me errors of duplicate boundary lines but i can never find them!

Any advice, or should i just carry on going?

2005-10-18, 02:37 AM
Depending on your requirements, you might try using a floor with slope arrow.

2005-10-18, 01:36 PM
when editing stairs or ramps they can go crazy. the trick is to move the blue line in the middle of the run not the riser line. The blue line has grips to stretch or shorten the runs. then if you need to move the whole run, do a window including everything in the run and move it.

2005-10-18, 01:44 PM
When I have this problem with stairs, it is usually boundary lines on top of each other.