View Full Version : Remove part of a wall sweep

2005-10-18, 04:49 PM
Ok, I have a wall sweep that i would like on only part of the wall. I know you can drag the shape handles at the end segments, but the problem is that it creates segements for every section of wall, breaking at the inserts. Some of these sections I do not want at all, but all I can do is drag the handles to make them smaller or larger, or remove the sweep from the whole wall...

Anyone know how?

2005-10-18, 05:17 PM
The only way I was able to acheive what I think you are looking for was to pull the ends of the sweeps you don't want over the sweep you want remaining.

2005-10-18, 05:30 PM
Split the wall into 3 sections. It will still look like 1 wall, but then you can control which segments get a sweep and which don't

It would be nice if split, trim, and align worked with the sweeps along their length.

2005-10-18, 06:53 PM

I've had luck with both of these suggestions regarding splitting of sweeps. I haven't run into any problems with placing and editing multiple sweeps (within the same 'instance'/before the next) and dragging their endpoints to where they need to be.

I think the splitting of walls would work fine too, although you just need to be cognizant of this fact regarding hatch patterns; the walls may 'join' if moved slightly later on, etc. which may have effect on the sweeps.

YES - Split/Trim/Align would be great to have with these entities. Have fun.


2005-10-18, 10:45 PM
hmm... I ended up splitting the wall, but wish there was a better way to do this...