View Full Version : Drafting Views

2005-10-18, 05:04 PM
Is it possible to copy Drafting views from one project to another without having to re-name them. I have like 14 seperate details I want to copy into anther project and don't want to have to re-import and re-name them all over again, any suggestions? Oh the project is an existing one, in it's final stages.

Clyne Curtis
2005-10-18, 05:12 PM
Yes, just copy them to your clipboard and paste them into an open drafting view in your current project. I have a blank project with all of my typical details loaded into it, and I just copy the ones I need from project to project.


2005-10-18, 05:22 PM
Hey Clyne, Ya I thought I could do it that way. I guess I wanted a way to copy them and not have to re-name them after. It sounds like I'm still going to have to re-name each view?

2005-10-18, 05:27 PM
Here's a kludge.

Put the name in text below the detail.
Then make a viewport label that has a number, scale and graphics, but no name visible.

When you place them on the sheet, all you'll have to do is slide the viewport label into the right spot under the text. After that, who cares what it is called in the browser...

2005-10-18, 05:30 PM
The boss cares, but I guess that's beside the point huh :D

2005-10-18, 05:35 PM
What's the boss doing looking at the cadd system?