View Full Version : Curtain Wall Help

2005-10-19, 04:14 PM
This is the first time we have used the curtain wall tool in a project and we have run into a snag. I have created curtain wall mullion profiles and panels that use the curtain wall center location line. In addition, there are three curtain wall mullion profiles I am working with - center, left, right. The problem I am having is that the curtain wall panel keeps extending past the left end point of the curtain wall after I place my left mullion profile (see attachment). The problem seems to be in the the left mullion profile, however all I did was modify the Revit standard with some line weights and detail level visibility.

Could anyone offer some advice/troubleshooting ideas as to what might be going wrong.


Edit: Correction. It occurs with both the right and left sides.

2005-10-19, 04:35 PM
could you post the profile file? I'd to see that.

This is the first time we have used the curtain wall tool in a project and we have run into a snag. I have created curtain wall mullion profiles and panels that use the curtain wall center location line. In addition, there are three curtain wall mullion profiles I am working with - center, left, right. The problem I am having is that the curtain wall panel keeps extending past the left end point of the curtain wall after I place my left mullion profile (see attachment). The problem seems to be in the the left mullion profile, however all I did was modify the Revit standard with some line weights and detail level visibility.

Could anyone offer some advice/troubleshooting ideas as to what might be going wrong.


Edit: Correction. It occurs with both the right and left sides.

2005-10-19, 05:01 PM
Profile Attachment

2005-10-19, 05:25 PM
I am unable to recreate the malfunction, seems to work fine for me. I guess if you could post the offending protion into a new file and post that perhaps.

Profile Attachment

2005-10-19, 06:30 PM
Attached File.

Note that when I copied the curtain wall, the problem seemed to resolve itself.

2005-10-19, 06:43 PM
Seems like a revit Gremlin (once in a million quirk) as you note it disappears if you copy the wall. I notice you are placing a curtain grid close to the edge instead of just putting a mullion at the end, I think that may be causing this confusion (factory would have to confirm this). I take it you did that so you could dimension from the midpoint of the mullion at the ends. Better way to handel that, draw an invisable line at the mid point (or place an additional reference plane locked at center), lock it into place and then your dimension should pick up that mid point. I notice if you delete that additional grid line and place the mullion at the end, no phantom wall appears.

What do you think Scott?

Attached File.

Note that when I copied the curtain wall, the problem seemed to resolve itself.

2005-10-19, 08:03 PM

Thanks a lot for your assistance. You were correct. The additional grid line was messing it up. When I use the ends by themselves, the problem goes away.

Another win for the AUGI Forum Team.

2005-10-28, 05:05 PM
Alright, here we go again.

Now, the curtainwall mullions - specifically the center mullions - are mirroring themselves over the curtainwall centerline when I place a horizontal mullion in elevation. Just by itself as a vertical mullion, it works fine.

To further complicate things, I opened a new project and made a curtain wall using the same panel and mullion familes and this time it worked just fine. Then I thought it had something to do with the adjacent wall. So I copied the wall from one project to the next and placed it next to the curtainwall and it still worked fine.

What I have concluded is that there is something imbeded in my current project that is not allowing the curtainwall mullions to behave properly.

If someone else has experienced this or is familiar enough with curtainwall behavior, I would welcome any input. I'll also post the families/profiles that I am using.


2005-10-28, 05:07 PM
Apparantly I can only post up to 5 files at a time. Here are the others.

2005-10-28, 05:37 PM
Well I have a theory, I do not understand exactly what is giving you this paranormal activity (nor exactly ehat the Revit gremlin is doing), but in your panel family I did notice something remiss. You have one of your EQ dimmensions locked in the plan view. Unlock it, reload it and see if that clears anything up.

2005-10-28, 06:25 PM
I unlocked the EQ dimension and reloaded, but no luck. After further experimenting, I found that if I use my bottom mullion at the top and the top mullion at the base, the center mullion does not flip. This does not seem to make any sense to me because, again, these are the Revit default profiles with object styles changed slightly. Another thing that I noticed, why is the "exterior" side different in the mullion family and the curtain panel family? Is this causing the problem? How can I change it to be the same?

2005-10-28, 07:07 PM
BOOOM!!!! That was my brain exploding. Wow sound like some weirdly wierd shite going on. If nobody in here has anything else for you, I would call revit support for this, you might have some kind of bug flying around in your file. Although they don't seem as on the ball as they once did to me anyways.

I unlocked the EQ dimension and reloaded, but no luck. After further experimenting, I found that if I use my bottom mullion at the top and the top mullion at the base, the center mullion does not flip. This does not seem to make any sense to me because, again, these are the Revit default profiles with object styles changed slightly. Another thing that I noticed, why is the "exterior" side different in the mullion family and the curtain panel family? Is this causing the problem? How can I change it to be the same?