View Full Version : Football Wall In Curtain Wall

Gene Herring
2005-10-19, 05:22 PM
Hey guys, help me figure this one out. Is it possible to place a Football Wall In Curtain Wall? (see attached).Revit will not allow thru cut geometry. Is my only hope to create a rectangular panel in the curtain wall and insert the football shape mounted to a rectangular surface? Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

Wes Macaulay
2005-10-19, 05:50 PM
Sure -- edit the elevation profile of the wall to include the football shape. Click the curtain wall edge and hit Edit Profile at the top of the drawing area.

2005-10-19, 05:55 PM
I used cut geometry by making the curtain wall a regular wall first. After the cutting I turned it back into a curtain wall.

2005-10-19, 05:58 PM
Sure -- edit the elevation profile of the wall to include the football shape. Click the curtain wall edge and hit Edit Profile at the top of the drawing area.That works, too, if you want the mullions.

PS: So what football is going to hit the wall like that? Must be a bad quarterback.

2005-10-19, 06:25 PM
Bet they're bringing back the CBS "eye" logo....

2005-10-19, 07:40 PM
Bet they're bringing back the CBS "eye" logo....
Thought it might be for football-head people (http://www.actden.com/Grap_Den/gallery/48.htm).

Gene Herring
2005-10-19, 07:56 PM
Thanks Guys.
Wes, simple enough to make the football cut out shape, however it leaves a "hole" in the curtain wall rather than a glass panel that I can change to the football (wall shape) of a different panel material. I do need to retain the mullion system so I like this approach better. Am I missing something in the steps?

Gene Herring
2005-10-19, 08:02 PM
Truevis, is missed the detail in your example that had exactly what I am trying to do. Did you follow Wes's example? Also for the curious, I am working on a football stadium addition where the desire is to have the football embedded in the storefront. Thansk for the help guys.

Scott D Davis
2005-10-19, 08:08 PM
Edit: removed my last response.

Make two generic walls, one overlaps the other linearly. Edit the Profile of the "football" wall to the football shape. Then use join Geometry to "embed" one wall in the other. Then select both Walls, and change them to the Storefront type. Then place your mullions on "all empty segments". the result should be something like the attached:

Wes Macaulay
2005-10-19, 08:10 PM
Thanks Guys.
Wes, simple enough to make the football cut out shape, however it leaves a "hole" in the curtain wall rather than a glass panel that I can change to the football (wall shape) of a different panel material. I do need to retain the mullion system so I like this approach better. Am I missing something in the steps?Aah - gotcha. Well, you can copy the wall with the opening in it on top of itself. Then edit one of the walls and delete the outer sketch lines -- leaving only the football sketch in the center. Then you can add an outer mullion to this which will follow the shape you're after.


Gene Herring
2005-10-19, 09:04 PM
Success! Used Scott's example sort of?
Overlapped walls, changed shape of one, joined geometry, - but only converted the main wall to curtain (not both as Scott mentioned). AaaaaaaaH Revit! Priceless!!!!!

Wes Macaulay
2005-10-19, 11:15 PM
From now on, I'm going to wait 10 minutes to see if Scott posts first :mrgreen:

Scott D Davis
2005-10-19, 11:40 PM
And I was going to wait 10 minutes to see if Wes postedf first!

2005-10-20, 12:05 AM
In my case i will wait 20 minutes for both of you :-)

2005-10-20, 05:49 AM
FINALLY I GOT IT.....after embeded I changed both to storefront,but guess what happened? both have grid lines,.....I changed the football shape to curtain wall and that simple....takes me 3 mins..I still need to work harder.. GREAT..!!!

2005-10-20, 07:34 AM
Can I just ask a wee question?

Can that be built?

2005-10-20, 09:03 AM
Why not if they are making the new freedom tower, then why not a Football in a curtain wall.

2005-10-20, 11:34 AM

I noticed questions about how to do things in Revit can often be answered by asking yourself, "how would you build this?", ye know?

2005-10-20, 12:21 PM
Can I just ask a wee question?

Can that be built?
Speaking as a custom curtainwall manufacturer, Yes, it could be built but it would not be cheap. :shock:

2005-10-21, 07:43 AM
Ha! Ok, it can be built, but it won't be cheap!

Thats my point. These outlandish things can be done, both by the software, and by the manufacturer, but really, it will never be built like that...

But yes, its nice to know you can do it.