View Full Version : Yes/No shared parameters in a sheet

2005-10-25, 12:24 PM
It appears this isn't possible from my experiments. Can anyone tell me if there's a way to add yes/no parameters as a shared parameter? I have yes/no instance parameters in my title block turning things on/off and i want to get them into a table so that i can control title blocks from a single location. Maybe someone has a clever workaround for this? I was thinking maybe i could use text shared parameters and create a formula based on this?

2005-10-25, 04:08 PM
A little tricky, but the key to the visibility on the desired label, is in the grey "equal" box beside the visibility settings, add a parameter (call it on off - whatever) then your title block will have a check box in its property to turn the label on or off.
Actual steps - see attached - (1) Add label to titleblock, turn off visibility box, select the "equals" box beside the visibility settings. (2) Add a parameter to the family (3)Create a family parameter (unique name for each label you want to control the visibility) (4) make it an instance (5) save titleblock and load it into project. (5) should have a visibility block for that label when you check the properties of the titleblock.

Reviewing your post, I don't think I answered your question, but perhaps this will give you some ideas on how to handle it. You can have a yes/no setting in shared parameters. When you add it to the project parameters be sure to add it to the drawing sheet or project information (or both) categories. Haven't experimented with scheduling it however.

2005-10-27, 11:57 AM
Thanks, Skisouth. That's what i have now... what i really want to do is make that YesNo a shared parameter so that i can schedule it in a project. For some reason, shared parameter is always disabled when i'm using a yes-no parameter. Been too busy the last few days to experiment further, but eventually i was going to try making a shared parameter of type 'text' and just enter 'X' in it for yes, then make formulas w/ my yes/no parameters. Problem i was having there was that i have to put labels somewhere on the sheet to get the shared parameters to show up in family properties... maybe i can hide them somewhere or make them white-on-white or sometheing. Anybody have something like this working? I'd be interested to hear so i know i won't be wasting my time...

I'll post an answer if/when i figure something out.

2005-10-27, 12:56 PM
From the sounds of it what you need to do is load the shared parameter into the project. This is easily done by going Settings>Project Parameters and load the newly created shared parameter into the project. IF thats not the issue post the family and the text for the shared parameter and I'll have a look what needs to be done.

2005-10-27, 03:01 PM
I understand what you want janunson...basically just a list of all the sheets with all their yes/no parameters listed so you don't have to go to the properties of every sheet to change them correct? Sounds like a very good idea to me, not possible that I know of but a good one for the wishlist

2005-10-27, 03:52 PM
I understand what you want janunson...basically just a list of all the sheets with all their yes/no parameters listed so you don't have to go to the properties of every sheet to change them correct? Sounds like a very good idea to me, not possible that I know of but a good one for the wishlist
You got it.. exactly.
Well, i guess back to the wishlist i go...
Still going to try to find a workaround though.

2008-12-09, 10:09 PM
This is an old topic but now i have the same problem. Is now possible this in revit 2009?

I have some custom title blocks families and i want to use a shared parameter from within the project in order to control the visibility of some graphics from all the title blocks families at once. The problem is the same, i can`t atach a shared parameter at a graphic element(lines) in the titleblock family because when i go to visibility at the element in properties and push the litle right button, unfortanly the shared parameters are grey out. So... it is possible or is there a work around these days?

2008-12-10, 01:37 PM
(mis posted before (didn't finish checking my notes)).

You can add a Yes-No shared parameter, and apply it to drawing sheets, so you can edit drawing sheet options in a schedule.

BUT :-( you still can't add a shared parameter to a non-label family in the family editor. So, the base problem still remains unsolved.

2008-12-10, 01:51 PM
You sure about that? I still see no way to add a shared parameter to a sheet or a titleblock.

gaby....take a look at my attached titleblock, I have created type and instance parameters to control graphics in our titleblock, this way you can turn graphics on/off per sheet or turn off the type parameter to turn them off globally.

2008-12-11, 09:22 PM
hy :)
david i looked in you family. when you said that you can turn off the type parameter in order to turn off "globaly" you meen "globally for all the types of the family"? Because i looking to turn off for all the titlebloks from all the families from the projec not only from one family.

Exemple: I have 2 families of tytlebloks:

All the types are used in the current project. Let say in bouth families i have a rectangle with copyright data inside. I want to put a YES/NO SHARED parameter on the rectangle and the copyright text in order to control the bouth families at once when i use it in the project. But as i said earlier i didn`t succed to atach a shared parameter at the visibility of an element.
Maybe the solution is to make just one family that cover the A3 and A4 formats but this make things more complicated(a lot of IF formulas. conditions etc..) so than i can use a simple type parameter that afect all types from that family(like david does). Or I will swich the copyright visibility for every titlebloks family in the project if i will have more titlebloks families in the project.

2008-12-11, 09:48 PM
Yes you can only control the one family, you would have to combine the different sizes/orientations into one family

2008-12-11, 10:00 PM
thanks david. So i will move on :)