View Full Version : Tagging linked models

2005-10-25, 03:11 PM
I would like to know if anyone has figured out a way to link various models to a site plan then tag them. what I have is a residential project on an Island site. I need to show on the site plan which are 3bdr homes, which are 4, etc. The only think I can think of is to place model text on a plane above the roof. I'd prefer to beable to tag and schedule. Any ideas?

2005-10-25, 03:37 PM

No such luck on our end either. We have to 'dumb-tag' this to get this to work - essentially what you describe, treating it as just a graphical item.

However, this hits upon a favorite Wish-List item of ours - the ability to parse information from a linked .rvt file into it's host file. I'm sure you're aware of the need to assemble multi-family units, or really anything that is 'assembled' from linked files, and then having to tag these - either room tag information, door and windows for schedules or whatever. Currently the .rvt comes in as a 'dumb-block'. At least with X-refs, the text information and tags would visibly show up. (OUCH - sorry for the low blow).


2005-10-25, 07:11 PM
I thought since in 8.1 you can do some scheduling across linked files, it would at least have the ability to schedule what models are linked, how many ,etc.

2005-10-25, 10:13 PM
You can select "schedule linked files" when creating a schedule but you cannot even control the elements of the linked file from the schedule like you can with the host file. e.g. door heights
I use workarounds like grouping text info, room separators and room tags to get a bit of semi automation. This need to get parallel functionality of linked files is one of my oldest wish list items. Is the problem that Revit actually has the files open in the background? I thought this would make them usable not dumb?

2005-11-02, 09:10 AM
I just realised that 'linked projects' can be written to DWF from the 2d views (plan, elevation & sections etc) but you cannot export 3D view of the linked project to 3DWF format.....it is very strange. I have to export the individual links to 3DWF and relink them again.