View Full Version : Help Please ... Database peoples

2005-10-26, 02:55 PM
Having taken Eric's ATP course on Access and AutoCAD, I thought there was absolutely nothing that could stop me.

Armed with my new found skill, I charged head first into ODBC linking to AutoCAD - But being the thrifty sort that I am, I decided to use MySQL as it's a very powerful open source database that I have experience with.

Anyway, I've been having problems with getting into my tables, and I posted the problem on the MySQL forum a few weeks back but haven't had any response (I guess because they are all database techies and not superior cad bods like us'uns)

Here is a link to the post and any help would be received with a big hug and/or a beer depending on where said help comes from. :D



2005-10-27, 06:50 AM
Nevermind...fixed it.

For those interested....The ODBC has to be configured with the 'Ignore Space After Function Names' option enabled.

2005-10-27, 08:55 AM
Hi Noozy

Good to hear you fixed it (got it working).

Thanks for posting back, I am sure the information will prove useful to others.

:beer: Mike