View Full Version : Edit Baluster Placement

2005-10-26, 07:57 PM
I understand how to edit the baluster placement once I am in the "Edit Baluster Placement" dialog box. But in this case I have no option to get to it. The only editing tool I have is in the type properties dialog box under the heading "other". Could someone tell me how to get the other Edit window under the Construction heading for baluster placement. Attached a screen shot of the Type Properties box.

Steven Campbell
2005-10-26, 08:47 PM
This file must be from a very old template, to upgrade the railing type duplicate the existing type by hitting the duplicate button. This will create a new version of the old railing type based on the newer railing settings and the "Baluster Placement" button will be come available.

You also want to the same procedure for your stairs in the template also. Did this file originate back before version 6? I think that was the release we added the new stair and railing types.

Steven Campbell
Autodesk Revit

2005-10-26, 09:03 PM
No, This was a new file using the same template that all our drawings use. Some of the rails get this option and some don't. The way you explained how to get the edit box is how I just got done explaining it to our other drafter (Duplicate then set properties). I just thought maybe there was a better way. Thanks

Steven Campbell
2005-10-26, 09:17 PM
It is a new file created from an old template, you need to open the template, duplicate the existing types, delete out the old ones and rename as required and save. The next new project file created from the template will have the correct types.

We don't force upgrade of stair and railing types on creating a new project file from an old template.

Hope this explains it.

Steven Campbell
Autodesk Revit

2005-10-26, 09:46 PM
That's what I just got done doing. I went on the likely hunch that you were correct and went back to the template to upgrade all the stairs then purge the old. And you already answered my next question which was going to be, Why don't they upgrade with the drawing. You must have been anticipating that one. I think all is well now. Thanks for your support.....

Steven Campbell
2005-10-27, 03:46 AM
We don't force an upgrade on stairs and railing, where there maybe a possible change in the graphically representation due to the new functionality and/or the assumptions made on upgrade. The situation we are trying to avoid is the user works hard to get their railing or stair just right, they open the file in a new version and all of a sudden the railing or stair is graphically different. This way we maintain the original type and allow upgrade to the new version. If the new version is not exactly as required the old type is still available until you remove it.