View Full Version : Problem Printing Map(JPG) in background but no objects!!!!

2005-10-27, 08:26 AM
I know I printed a jpg map in the background of a project of mine using 7.0 with no problem....
Now I am trying to print, in a different project, a site plan, with a jpg map, and my project on top of it. It looks fine on the screen, it looks fine on the print preview, but when I print......I only get the jpg map.....:-x
We are early on schematics on this job, but soon, in less than a month, we'll need to print for ConDoc....I can't have this problem then!!!

Is anyone having this problem? I know that if I make a pdf and then print it will work, but I shouldn't have to do these kind of workarounds!!!

Any moral support out there????:neutral:

2005-10-27, 08:56 AM
oooh, I read a thread started by Roger, and I printed the same file in hidden mode, and it did print..............but wrongly, it printed like it was in wireframe mode:mad: But I am having a nice day besides the problem ;-)