View Full Version : control line weights of embedded wall sweeps

2005-10-28, 04:28 PM
I'm trying to change the line weight of a integral wall sweep (a profile sweep that's part of the wall type).

See attached image.

I obviously don't want to use the linework tool to change the lineweights of all those sweep lines on my entire building.

How do I do that?

(I read this (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=19273) thread which thoroughly confused me as to whether this is possible or not)...


2005-10-28, 06:22 PM
If you use wall sweeps (not integral) then the sub category statement in the referenced thread is correct. If you use the Integral sweep, the Projection value of the Wall type under Object styles controls the profile edge line weight. (The first value beside Walls)- it also will change the exposed outside wall edges to this line weight. If you need the profiles a different line weight than your outer edges, then a non-integral wall sweep is your solution.

couple of ideas. If a lot of integral sweeps, set the line weight for the sweeps and edit the outer edge of the building.

If you need the integral sweep heavier than the outer edge, modify the swept profile so there is a "v" at the outer edges of the profile - This will make Revit draw three lines on the edges of the profile versus one with the same line weight.

2005-10-28, 07:07 PM
Thanks for the tips Skisouth!

I needed those lines to be lighter, so I came to the same conclusion about changing the line weight of the wall to be lighter and then going back with the lineworks tool and fixing the profile lines - a lot less lines to change that way.

I'm sure it's been requested before, but this is one of those little things the factory needs to "fix".