View Full Version : Batt insulation fill in walls

2005-10-31, 04:51 AM
anyone come up with a way to get batt insulation fills in walls? that sure would be nice if Revit could do it.

2005-10-31, 01:52 PM
anyone come up with a way to get batt insulation fills in walls? that sure would be nice if Revit could do it.

I put this in the "Wish List" already - if you're talking about the ability to have insulation as a fill within the wall type? It would be nice to be able to identify it in the wall type and have it display automatically.

2005-10-31, 03:19 PM
anyone come up with a way to get batt insulation fills in walls? that sure would be nice if Revit could do it.

I assume you mean as you draw, versus the drafting tool.

2013-01-04, 06:31 PM
I know this tread is from 2005 and now it's 2013 so, I am hoping that their is a way to show batt insulation in MTL/ WD. stud wall. As part of the wall assembly because, all I was able to do was fill in Rigid insulation pattern that's not something I am looking for. It would be great if we were able to specify a size of the Batt insulation as well because, you may just want to have 3.5" batt insulation in 6" stud wall.


cliff collins
2013-01-04, 07:01 PM
Still no "built-in" solution for this. It has been on the Wishlist for many years.

2014-03-20, 03:49 PM
And it is now 2014.. Has this been addressed yet? Having to change how to represent BATT Insulation pattern from the squiggle is as counter-intuitive as saying "from now on, all room tags must be a circle!" Basically all that needs to happen is that the ability to add a model pattern into the Cut Pattern of a material should be enabled. Right now all you can do is put in a drafting pattern, which changes in size when the view's scale changes. I do not think this should be a very difficult thing to do. Apparently it can be done on the surface pattern. You can use a Model pattern (like a brick pattern) or a drafting pattern (like sand) for the surface pattern, but not for the cut pattern. Why?