View Full Version : Suppress Zero???

Les Therrien
2005-11-01, 03:48 PM
Does this actually work for anyone???
My dimensions haven't surpressed zeros since R5.4
If your does work, what font are you using???

2005-11-01, 03:59 PM
I just checked and it works fine for me, is your check box checked? Make sure it is in you project standards if you are using them for your dim style.

2005-11-01, 04:02 PM
Check out the attached jpg.
This is just regular old Arial font, standard Linear dimension
No problems here.

Les Therrien
2005-11-01, 04:22 PM
Yes I've got that!
I'm sorry. I'm saying the wrong thing.

What I mean is for example:

I have a length of 7'-0"
I want the dimension to round off if there's 0"s. to read 7'

I could have sworn Revit use to do this. I know ADT did???

2005-11-01, 04:44 PM
Don't think Revit ever did that (?)

2005-11-01, 04:56 PM
I am using Arial and the supress zero function works for me.

As far as I know, it only suppresses leading zeros, like with 0'-7", I've never seen it work the other way.

Les Therrien
2005-11-01, 05:00 PM
Don't think Revit ever did that (?)

If it didn't then I'm either losing my mind (highly possible lately!) or I had once imported some data that preserved a dimension that was like that!?!?

Allen Lacy
2005-11-01, 05:02 PM
You can create a dimension style that rounds to the nearest foot.

Les Therrien
2005-11-01, 05:37 PM
Thanks Al.
That wouldn't be good for what I need.
I just thought I could get the zero to disappear.

2005-11-01, 08:59 PM
I have no problem suppressing zero's......you could try using metric :Puffy:

2005-11-02, 02:09 PM
Hey there,
You gotta love this forum! I have been using a separate dimension style for showing dimensions which are under a foot because I hated the 0' - 2" look. Now, after 2.5 years, I find out that all I had to do is check a box to supress zero in my normal dimension type... Dang, that just saved me 2 seconds a dimension when needed!

2005-11-02, 02:30 PM
...don't forget the same setting is available in Settings->Project Units. This will change the way dialog boxes and temporary dimensions are formatted, as well as any dimension styles that might use the project settings.

My strategy has been to:

1. Our typical dimension uses the project settings. Units are configured at the project level, typically to 1/8" rounding.
2. We include an "Exact" dimension style which is formatted to 1/256" accuracy and the graphics display in a bold orange color. (Revit's error color). These are used for QA/QC.
3. We also have a Casework dimension style which reports everything as just inches and fractions configured to round to 1/16".
4. 0 Feet are surpressed at the project level for dialogs, temporary dimensions, and our typical dim. style.
I think these basic things should be standard in the factory template.