View Full Version : Consecutive Detail Numbers

Mark James
2005-11-01, 11:25 PM
Our drafting standard requires details to be numbered consecutively over an entire drawing, commencing with detail number one.
It possible to do this in Revit without wasting time manually re-numbering every detail? (it appears Revit starts automatically numbering details from one each time a detail is added to a new sheet)

2005-11-01, 11:29 PM
No. Can be a real PITA. I suggest looking at the National CADD standards grid system to avoid renumbering.

Mark James
2005-11-02, 12:16 AM
Thanks for the greased lightning response Aaron.
I'll investigate the grid system.

2005-11-02, 01:00 AM
Our drafting standard requires details to be numbered consecutively over an entire drawing, commencing with detail number one.



Mark James
2005-11-02, 01:10 AM
Guy, could you elaborate?
Do you know of a suitable third-party package? (couldn't program my way out of a wet paper bag!)

2005-11-02, 02:17 AM
Guy, could you elaborate?

The API gives you access to the underlying elements.

Do you know of a suitable third-party package?

Yes, I've written one that will be released as GPL as soon as I can stop writing examples and figure out how to write an installer, finish the documentation etc.;-) This is one of my examples although it was just sheets. Will extend it and see if I can do details as well.



Mark James
2005-11-02, 07:25 AM
Yes, I've written one that will be released as GPL as soon as I can stop writing examples and figure out how to write an installer, finish the documentation etc.;-) This is one of my examples although it was just sheets. Will extend it and see if I can do details as well.



What example?
While you're at it, can you add a view name parameter to a callout tag template? ;-)

2005-11-02, 08:11 AM
What example?

The example I haven't released yet;-)

While you're at it, can you add a view name parameter to a callout tag template?

Nice idea but nop sorry. The lovely thing about the Revit API is you can't do anymore than what the native Revit application can do. You can't add a shared parameter label to a callout tag in Revit and therefore you can't add it using the API either. So no more bastardisation of Revit by programmers as has occurred with AutoCAD ;-) That's the theory anyway...


Renumbering of details works and I've written the script.Will include this command in my examples.

Mark James
2005-11-02, 11:02 PM
Renumbering of details works and I've written the script.Will include this command in my examples.
Can it re-number windows & doors?

2005-11-02, 11:22 PM
Can it re-number windows & doors?

Easily. The goal with the python binding is (hopefully) it will eventually be easy enough for anyone to take an example script and make the necessary changes based on their inhouse practices.

As I'm finding though, writing code just for me is an entirely different kettle of fish to something you're going to release ;-)I don't need to document things when it's just for me. A 4 week of baby isn't helping the late nights either... ;-)


Mark James
2005-11-02, 11:53 PM
Easily. The goal with the python binding is (hopefully) it will eventually be easy enough for anyone to take an example script and make the necessary changes based on their inhouse practices.
Excellent news.
I think I'll leave the binding of pythons to those more eperienced in such things ...sounds hazardous!

As I'm finding though, writing code just for me is an entirely different kettle of fish to something you're going to release ;-)I don't need to document things when it's just for me. A 4 week of baby isn't helping the late nights either... ;-)

Having twice been subjected to the strains of early fatherhood myself, I'm surprised you can even write your name, let alone code! ;-)

2005-11-03, 02:20 PM
....A 4 week of baby isn't helping the late nights either... ;-)

All you have to do is get the little one to help. Maybe a beta tester or something... ;-)