View Full Version : very weird bug? (8.0)

Martin P
2005-11-02, 02:48 PM
Not sure if this has been fixed, was a one off or is still something that could happen. Just thought I would post it incase anyone else thought they were going mad!

Had a dormer, grouped elements - including an opening in a roof.

I mirrored it, got a group error message. carried on working and copy/rotated it instead. After a bout 5 minutes working I notice that everything I had done previously had been undone.... ie it was as if I had not done any work since opening the file and mirrorng the group and what I had done afterwards was all I had done to the file (the file seemed to revert back to the state it was when I had opened it the second I mirrored the group)

To check that this really was the case I saved as, then ran the journal file to watch and make sure I hadnt imagined working for an hour prior to mirroring that group - and I sat and watched right before me as the second that group was mirrored everything I had done up until that point dissapeared, without warning - just vanished.

I was/am gobsmacked by this one. I hope it was a complete freak one off. But now every time I convinced I have already done something and its not there I am going to think it is this!!

R8.0 build 20050412_2300

And dissapointingly, I just deleted the end off the journal file and ran it again to get my work back - so I cant send it to the factory. But it did happen, I just cant show anyone now I have edited the journal!!

2005-11-02, 03:53 PM
That's Wierd. I would have suggested sending it to the Factory, but I read the end of your post. However... if this is a bug, could you not just 'recreate' what you did, and have it flub (again)... then send that new journal to the Factory?

It almost sounds like something is getting deleted from the journal. WIERD.

2005-11-02, 04:53 PM
Had a couple of glitches show up that were strange. Send it to the factory. -AND you'll actually get a response - an amazing concept!! (Thanks factory - I am truly amazed that as a user, you can get a phone call and they say - hey, here's what we're doing about this..)

Actually, the leprechauns made them put that in your release...:p

Martin P
2005-11-04, 10:19 AM
small problem, I chopped up my journal file to fix it...... and fixed it - the file is also 50mb.

Posted it here really as I thought it might be something that others ought to be aware of....whether its fixed because I post here or not isnt something I am too concered about..... these things seem to get sorted out by the good leprechauns :)

Damn those bad leprechauns though ;)

2005-11-04, 10:44 AM
small problem, I chopped up my journal file to fix it...... and fixed it - the file is also 50mb..
Hey Martin, in case you do want to get a file that size fixed it is possible. I opened a support request with Autodesk recently and when they requested the file I was able to upload it on the support website. My file was 60+ mb.

best wishes, Elrond

Martin P
2005-11-04, 12:32 PM
Thanks for the pointer Elrond thats worth knowing about. I got it fixed with the journal file anyhow, so wast too upset in the end. But it was completely bizzare to see a load of work just dissapear like that when running the journal file to check what had just happened - I really do wish I had saved a copy of the journal and file out so I could send it somebody!!!....