View Full Version : Changing the Phase of a Room Schedule

Clyne Curtis
2005-11-02, 04:02 PM
Hey all!

I have created a room schedule for a building on campus but I inadvertantly left the phase set to existing. It appears that I cannot tag the rooms from the schedule unless they are in a phase other than "existing". Is there a way to change the phase of the schedule without re-entering all the data?



2005-11-02, 04:31 PM
I suspect that your difficulties are not related to schedules, you need to make changes to rooms. Room elements are phase dependent, each phase has its own set of rooms. When you place a room tag in a view Revit creates a new room if a room is not yet defined for a corresponding space in active or any other view. Newly created room gets a phase of a view where you placed room tag. Thus if you place room tags in existing conditions view then all your rooms would end up being existing conditions rooms. Placing room tags in new construction view makes new construction rooms. This makes sense because new construction can change both boundaries and finishes of a room, thus Revit makes separate elements for both. Revit keeps user responsible for defining rooms in all phases if user wants to see tags or schedules for every phase. Assuming you want to schedule only final rooms but don't care to have existing conditions rooms then you may try cutting room tags from existing conditions view and pasting them same place in completed construction view.

If my guess regarding the nature of your difficulties is not correct then you can simply change the phase of your schedule to new and that should filter out all existing rooms.


Clyne Curtis
2005-11-02, 05:13 PM
Thanks for the reply, Leonid. I actually don't have the rooms tagged in any view yet. When I use the room tag option, any rooms I have in the schedule (unless the schedule view properties are set to "existing" phase) should appear in the room pull-down on the options bar. Right now, Auto is the only option in the pull-down. If I change the phase of the schedule in view properties to "New Construction", I end up with a blank schedule...which makes sense. I am just trying to see if there is an easy way to change the schedule and its data to the "New Construction" phase, which is the phase the building is drawn in. If not, I'll just create a new schedule and re-enter the data...in the correct phase, of course!

Thanks again!


2005-11-03, 07:19 AM
I don't know how far along you are but you could temporarily change the walls to the existing phase tag them with those in the schedule. Then cut them (room tags) to clipboard and delete the rooms...then switch the walls back to new construction...paste the tags back in same place, now they are in the current phase. I don't which is less work? Redoing the schedule or playing the phase game?