View Full Version : Level elevation heights in Design Options

2005-11-03, 04:01 PM
Is there a way to have different elevation heights for a level in different design options?

Or do I need to Create a different set of levels with different elevation heights and change their visibility in each view for each design option?

2005-11-03, 04:34 PM
I would think new levels, so when you accept one option over the other you get the right levels.

2005-11-03, 04:59 PM
You are correct - you can't have the levels 'change' in a Design Option. You will need to create a new level - and have your elements use these as your parameters (for wall height, etc.) These would be independent from the Options themselves, as they are "global".

In an Option's elevation view, for example, you could right-click and "hide annotation in view" the 'normal' 2nd floor line, showing the Option's. This can get tricky, depending on the closeness of these level lines and how many you have.

An alternate to this could be using a Datum line (black cirlce, not a blue one) - this allows you to use it as a reference, but doesn't create a new View.

Scott's point is valid, in the fact that if you 'accept' one option (over another), you could lose information and references - however the datum planes and level lines won't be deleted as these are global things.