View Full Version : Roof Finish Schedule/Finish Key

2005-11-04, 02:09 PM
I have read countless threads on this subject and can't decide which way to go, all though they are all very good.

I want to create a finish schedule containing the following



Now, I konw that I could enter in these fields, group some headings and go about my merry way filling everything in box, by box.

Also could create a schdule key and try and create room combination key names, but that limits my freedom on the N,E,S,W columns, to my understanding, all of those would have to be tied back to one key name, or type, seems confusing.

Basically I would like to have the schedule with those items in it, and be able to choose whether it has PT, or GB finish and have that process be automated as much as possible.

I would then like to be able to schedule those abbreviations or list what they mean.....is there a way to do this.

I don't know if any of that made a whole lot of sense, as I've been reading for quite some time now and am a little confused as to which approach to take. By no means have I mastered the database concepts of Revit or the whole parameter thing either, so I am really trying to get into this. I have done the tutorials and everything, just need a little advise from all you experts and some practice. Thanks ahead of time!!

2005-11-04, 02:56 PM
Basically I say definately use the schedule keys and you can then just set any of the odd balls to "none" and type in what you need for those.

Michelle Gibson
2005-11-04, 03:21 PM
see my recent post "willing to share ..." - I included our schedule for you.

2005-11-04, 04:21 PM
Thank you both for your advise!! Much appreciated

2005-11-04, 04:58 PM
Ok. So I think that Michelles table is very clean and operable! But right now anyway, I can't see us doing enough large scale production work to be able to use the "room style" method right now. But maybe I do....I don't know. I don't have enough experiece to say I guess. I have gone over a number of different ideas and can't quite put it together.

I am posting an excel file for reference. This schedule would be easy for us to use if we could make it work in revit. It just seems like I would have to create a ton of keys to get this to work, and I don't know if thats the best thing to do? Check it out and see what you guys think. Thanks!!

2005-11-04, 05:21 PM
You'll use keys more than you think you will. However you don't HAVE to use keys even tho you set the schedule using keys. If the key is blank, then you can fill in the other information with whatever you want. Later if you select a key, then it will update all fields with that information.

Keys can be created on the fly so that isn't a big issue.

2005-11-12, 12:28 AM
...then just set any of the odd balls to "none" and type in what you need for those....


How do you type in what you want if you set the key name to "none"? I tried this and if you don't select an option or "none", you can't type anything?

2005-11-12, 12:16 PM
see my recent post "willing to share ..." - I included our schedule for you.

Michelle can't find your post, got a link handy ?

2005-11-12, 05:25 PM

How do you type in what you want if you set the key name to "none"? I tried this and if you don't select an option or "none", you can't type anything?
See attached. Working fine here.

Michelle Gibson
2005-11-12, 06:52 PM
I don't know how to create a link but he subject title was willing to share room finish schedule (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=28348) and I posted it on November 4th. I had a lot of replies when I first posted ? about how to do room finish schedules so you might want to search for either my name or room finish schedule if you want detailed step by step instructions - they were great.

2005-11-14, 02:23 PM
=See attached. Working fine here.
You know....I was going about this whole thing all wrong. At first I replied and stated that michell's schedule was great, but maybe a little too rigid for us....but it's not. She's got the right idea. What I was trying to do was use the schedule key in my schedule as my choice....i.e. key name= Gyp.Bd., Paint, etc. The description would never show up. I was trying to do this so I could use the key as a materials legend, and also every option on the schedule would have a choice from the key name....hence the confusion. but if you define all those n,e.s.w. fields say for walls under one whole key name, then you can change all of those individual values....

I hope I got my point across...but bottom line is I was going about it the wrong way, and you guys help me clear it up. Things are working fine for now. THANKS!! Always much appreciated.