View Full Version : Roofs

2004-03-07, 07:56 PM
Does anybody know how to create multiple roofs on a single house? I want to have the front of the house as a gable roof with a small roof over the covered entry at a higher height than the height of the house walls; then I want to make the ridge roof on the covered entry to meet at the ridge of the house roof. Then, I want to make to small roof over the garage that meets into the roof of the house but the slope is towards the garage, going downwards and the side meets into the wall that supports the covered entry. I don't know if this is confusing but if anyone needs clarification, let me know. I'll try to add an attachement with the view that I want to create. The elevation is the one in the middle (B). Help!! :roll: :roll: Anything would be welcomed!!


2004-03-07, 08:20 PM
A project can have as many roofs as you wish.

In this instance you can make the roofs as two individual components and use the join geometry tool.

I suggest the following:

Main roof

1. pick walls with your offset to create this. It looks as though the gable over the garage projects forward so all you need do to achieve this is is define that one edge as no being slope defining. If this is not the case then look at using slope arrows which are well enough explained in the help files but do require a littleplaying with to get a hang of.

2. Make an opening using the 'opening' tool that equates to the area where the covered entry breaks forward.

Covered entry roof

1 Trace the roof on three sides using the pick walls tool, make the fourth side using a line on the side facing the main roof.

2. In elevation view move the roof up to align with the main roof.

3. Use the join roof tool to join the rear edge of this roof to the main roof

4 Use the join geometry tool to link the two roofs as one.

Job done.

2004-03-07, 09:52 PM
This Roof Tutorial (revit.autodesk.com/pillar/custserv/web/service/support_4.0/faq_navigator/index.asp) might also help.

From the link, go to Design Bar > Basics> Roof. Revit Implementation Series Week 7 Roofs.