View Full Version : Why "wall" concrete is a different color than "family"

2005-11-08, 05:47 PM
When I make a foundation wall using a "wall" it has a grey tint even though I set it to white.
When I make a foundation wall using an "in-place-family" it is correct. I've changed material setting, accurender settings (though this shouldn't affect pre-render color, right?), and element property settings. To no avail.

2005-11-08, 07:16 PM
The material controls the shaded view or the rendered view. If you notice in the materials dialog box, there is a check mark which automatically update ths shaded color for a material to match the color of the accurender material. If your wall has the same material assigned as your inplace wall, they should be identical(they can't be any other way) so if they are different colors, one doesn't have the same material assigned to it. Or if you are looking at your model in 3d revit makes oneside lighter which could be what you are seeing.

2005-11-08, 08:12 PM
It could be that your wall is being overridden by a "Coarse Scale Fill". Check the upper level properties and / or see what happens if you change the view properties.