View Full Version : Custom area calculations and room tags

2005-11-09, 03:04 AM
Ok - for our marketing our areas get rounded up - so using the field format for rounding is no good because it rounds down.

However the areas are never rounded up more than 5%

i know how to make calculated values in the schedules

BUT how do i get the room tag to reflect the calculated value?


Mr Spot
2005-11-09, 03:44 AM
I don't believe you can have tags display calculated values... they are strictly for schedules...


Dimitri Harvalias
2005-11-09, 04:20 AM
You should be able to do this with a shared parameter.

This thread might give you a leg up and get you thinking in the right direction

2005-11-09, 05:22 AM
Thanks guys - and Dimitri - luv that new logo


2005-11-09, 06:15 AM
nope i'm stuck -

so i want to make a tag that reflects the rounded area -

how do i make the rounded parameter referred to in the other thread?

do i do it in the tag family or some other place?


Mr Spot
2005-11-09, 09:40 AM
That thread wouldn't be suitable for a tag...

The rounding parameter referred in the other thread would be for calculated values or the formula section in particular families (doors, windows etc); not for tags.

2005-11-09, 03:26 PM
...nope i'm stuck...You can't put a calculated value into a tag. The value doesn't exist until you are in the project environment. You can't use a shared parameter to create a calculated value in a schedule, if you could then it would be possible perhaps.

So...if you have a schedule with a calculated value and you must put this value in a schedule your only real option is to make the manual data entry that is necessary to do so as easy and error free as possible. If you haven't run out of the room screaming yet...

Add another shared parameter based field to your schedule that is also used in the tag. Place this column right next to the calculated value. Then when you are ready to fill out the tags...run down the columns enter the same value into the manually entered tags field. Before plotting a set, run through this QA schedule to make sure tags are reporting the latest/greatest info.

If you add another column that compares these two columns and when they are not equal they report a "1" you can "flag" the rows that need attention. An IF statement like IF(ParameterA=ParameterB,0,1) would work.

We also discussed this subject in THIS THREAD (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21237)

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-11-09, 04:55 PM
Sorry Ken,
Led you down the garden path and I stand corrected. :Oops: My recollection of the parameter we created for the bleacher example was that we did end up tagging the seat count but it in the end it only appeared on the schedule.