View Full Version : Changing referencing sheet of drafting view

2004-03-09, 01:48 PM
I've tried looking for information on how to change a drafting sheet reference but I haven't found a thread on this.

I created a drafting view (I don't remember exactly how), but for some reason the referencing sheet is A3 which has no relation to the detail I was creating. How do I change the reference sheet for that detail?

2004-03-09, 01:54 PM
You should find that drafting view on your sheet A3. Just delete the view from the sheet and it will be available to put elsewhere and will have no reference sheet value until you do.

2004-03-09, 03:55 PM
I'm not sure what I've done wrong but obviously something isn't right. If you or someone could help me figure out this I'd appreciate it.

I have 5 drafting views (details) and none of them have a referencing callout bubble on the sheet that they reference. 4 out of the 5 drafting views reference another drafting view (detail 2 on sheet A3), but there is no callouts anywhere. That drafting view that the others are being referenced from is just a reflected ceiling legend consisting of detail lines and text.

On sheet A3 I have a few sections that I have turned annotation off in view, but I can't find any callouts that I've made.

2004-03-09, 03:59 PM
Why not copy all the detail on the drafting view and then create a new drafting view to receive it and paste the pieces in then delete the troublesome view.

2004-03-09, 04:24 PM
My bet now? Most likely you've placed a detail or section object on a plan view and referenced your drafting view, rather than creating an actual section view.

When you do this the sheet and detail the view is referenced from is listed in the view properties, even if it isn't on a sheet yet. Not to worry, as soon as you put the drafting view on a sheet you'll be able to fill in the values you want.

2004-03-09, 07:25 PM
Ok, I have copied the drafting views, deleted the original drafting views and pasted the copied info into a new drafting view. I have also removed those two drafting views from the sheet that I placed them on. I now have the drafting views only in the drafting view under the project browser. I no longer have any of the details placed on sheets.

What is the correct procedure?

2004-03-09, 10:17 PM
I have been working on this and I had hoped I could write and say that I've figured it out, but I haven't.

1. I had removed all the drafting view details, 5 in all, from the sheets.

2. I have a detail of carpet square placement. So I opened the flooring view and created a callout. Clicked on Detail View from the dropdown list. Chose the scale to match my drafting views scale. Put a check mark in the "Ref other view" and then chose the drafting view from the "new drafting view" dropdown list. Then I deactivated that flooring plan and dragged the drafting view into my sheet A8 with the flooring plan. So far everying looks good. Now I have a detail 2 on sheet A8. See image Detail 2 A8

3. Now I go to a wall elevation sheet A10 to place 2 sections for the construction details of the CMU construction joints. I pick section from the views tab. Click on Detail View from the dropdown list and the follow example above in item 2. Then I drag the first drafting view detail to sheet A18 and it's bubble says detail 1 A8, not A18. Then I drag the other drafting view to sheet A18 and it's bubble says detail 2 A8, again not A18. I look at the properties and both of those details are referencing the carpet layout detail 2 on A8.

Why aren't my details referencing sheet A10 where they were taken from?

2004-03-09, 11:35 PM
I started a new project, mimicked your process description, it's how I would have done it too...all as it should be. I couldn't repeat your errors.

Can you repeat this in a different project? If you drag a view on a sheet and it refers to a different sheet, that's not normal. Sounds like you ought to email support.

Last thing I'd check before doing so is the view title family to make sure it has the right parameters assigned to display. There is a sheet reference parameter which will show the sheets the detail is referenced from.

2004-03-10, 03:28 PM
I think my problem might be in my annotation families. I've modified existing families and created new callouts and section heads to our company standard and I may have messed something up.

This is how I would expect my Callout annotation to work:
If I want to callout a detail or place a section callout on sheet A1 and I want the section to be "Section A on sheet A2, then my callout bubble on A1 should have an A on the top and a A2 on the bottom.

Please tell me if I'm right. If I create a Callout head, I should have a perameter of "Detail Number" in the top half of the Callout head, and "Referencing Sheet" on the bottom half?

I've looked at some of the other annotation callouts and several have "Detail Sheet" for the bottom parameter instead of "Reference Sheet"

2004-03-10, 06:33 PM
After trying several differant settings, I think my original setup for doing my callouts, sections and views was right. Originally I had the callout set to "Sheet Number", the section set to "Sheet Number" and the View title set to "Referencing Sheet". I think my problem might be in calling out my detail. Maybe I shouldn't be using a reference callout.

Does anyone know of a tutorial or a best practice sheet for calling out details (2d drafting views)?

2004-03-10, 08:00 PM
I'm getting a file ready to email to support, I can't seem to get the callouts to display the correct sheet. Thanks for the help

2004-03-12, 05:38 PM
Just thought I would update everyone and let you know that I worked with Glynnis at Imaginet on this issue and she recieved notice this morning from support that this is a bug. I have included a copy of the reply that support sent.


For what it's worth, I have received confirmation from development that this is a bug. Apparently all drafting views will use as their reference the
first drafting view that exists in the Drawing Sheet set. Unless a view
that actually references the drafting view appears earlier in the set. We
are working on a fix. In the meantime, the only workaround that I can
suggest is to use a view title that omits the reference sheet parameter and
to place that information in manually using text. Sorry for the

Chris Mahoney, AIA
Client Service Architect - Autodesk Revit

Chad Smith
2004-08-26, 01:52 AM
We have only just run into this problem ourselves this week.
Seems like an easy one. I hope it gets fixed for the next release. :-P