View Full Version : Curtain wall

2005-11-09, 08:56 PM
How can I
- change the thickness of the glass in the system family 'curtain wall'?
- change the distance between the glass panel and the reference plane in the system family 'curtain wall' ? I like to center it.

Mr Spot
2005-11-09, 09:44 PM
In your project browser - navigate to families -->

Curtain wall panels -->

System Panel -->

Glazed. And double click to edit it.

Now just change the thickness and offsets parameters.

2005-11-09, 10:21 PM
actually just tab onto the system panel and edit its properties, there is a thickness and offset parameter built in.

2005-11-11, 06:55 PM
In the project browser I need wall/curtain wall/curtain wall
and not 'curtain panel'.
But in wall/curtain wall/curtain/wall I cannot change thickness and offset

2005-11-11, 08:03 PM
Its not in the wall, its the panel, create a curtain wall. then pick(tab) on one of the panels, click properties. You will see its material property, thickness and offset. Note you can create any kind of panels you want in the family editor also.