View Full Version : round stair case

2005-11-10, 08:14 PM
trying to create the set of stairs shown below. keep getting the error message shown on picture. i know im missing something easy. what am i doing wrong. the green lines are boundary lines. the one orange line is a riser line. the rest are risers. im missing something. the lines are are connected.

2005-11-10, 09:06 PM

Without a small model file, I'm just guessing from what I see, but here goes....Are you creating this Automatically or by using user drawn Boundaries and Risers?

It appears that you have two risers and you're making the curved concrete slab be the 'top riser/landing' per se.

For this to work properly, both the green and the orange line (in your pic) should be Risers, not Boundary lines.

You actually need to have (3) Three risers in your stair. In your Stair Definition, you'll need to turn off the "End With Riser" checkbox, if you don't want the small vertical riser to appear (SEE attached picture 1).

There should be a Boundary Line (along your wall) on each side, running from riser to riser - so it'll touch the thee riser legs. (SEE attached picture 2)

Hope this helps!

2005-11-10, 09:42 PM

worked like a charm. thanks. forst time i've done curved stairs like that. makes sense now.