View Full Version : Automatic copies...

2003-05-22, 08:49 PM
Calling all workset gurus...(assuming worksets are at issue)

I've encountered an issue that support is looking at as I write. I came back after lunch and started working, shortly after adding a couple of new levels, I discovered that nearly every floor plan & Ceiling Plan had a copy with a 1 appended to each. I didn't duplicate with detailing, but I did add a new elevation view and two new levels.

I'm sure it would help track down the root cause if someone else could demonstrate the problem. Anyone else get "free" copies of views??

Support has my central file, my user file and journals...so hopefully they'll figure it out. Not catastrophic by any means but certainly unexpected.

(two "features" this week, not a good batting average for me... :( )

2003-05-22, 08:59 PM
I've seen this as well, but I've never done it personally, I've only noticed when others have been working in the file, and I chalked it up to somthing they had done by mistake. I guess I should investigate this further :?:

Henry D
2003-05-22, 09:17 PM
The same thing is happening to me. I keep having to delete extra copies of views and I am a single user.

2003-05-22, 09:22 PM
Thanks for joining ECA (Extra Copies Anonymous)...please call support the next time you encounter it so they have a shot at tracking down this mangy critter before it strikes again... :D

2003-05-22, 09:33 PM
This is caused by copying levels instead of creating a brand new one.

try it out. copy a level up 10 feet and you will get the results you describe.

click level and make a new one and you don't get that.

2003-05-22, 09:36 PM
aaaaaaaah!!!!!! I don't even have to try that, I did exactly that for one level and created a new one for the second....yuk!!!

Does this mean that support doesn't know this??

Guess they will now...going to tell em.

Thanks Scott!

Does this mean I get a demerit for thinking I could do something as wild and crazy as copy a level?? :(

2003-05-22, 10:00 PM
no, it means I've done it also and so has everyone in our office that has asked my why they get all these copies of their plans.

Support should know.

2003-05-23, 03:04 PM
I guess now that nearly everyone has had this happen. I never really thought of it as a problem, and I never understood (until now) that it was related to copying levels.

You start with a simple two-level template. Somewhere in the process, while working in section or elevation, you identify a need for an addtional or intermediate level. Copying an existing one seems like such a natural method. I'm sure I have even seen it used in some Adesk Revit presentations.

If this is a "bug" it's certainly not one of high-priority.


2003-05-23, 03:55 PM
When copying a level there are two possible scenarios:

1. View Name = Level Name
2. View Name ≠ Level Name

In the first case, if you copy the level the names of both the new view and the new level are equal to the initial level incremented by one; eg. a copy of Level 1 will yield a view and level named Level 2.

In the second case, both the view name and level name are incremented. So if you have a level named Level 1 and its associated view is named Bob, copying this level will result in a level named Level 2 and a view named Bob1.

In either case, if the view or level name is already in use the next available number is used.

What is it about this behavior that you find undesirable?

2003-05-23, 06:33 PM
No bug....

Bottom line...don't copy a level unless you fully understand that the level you are copying is the basis for many other views. In my case, GROUND FLOOR is the original level used to create many larger scale views, via callouts, and "duplicated" views for furniture etc.

When I copied the level, GROUND FLOOR, Revit understands that it has this "associated" relationship with these other views and assumes that a copy is needed not only for the original but the others too. Not what I expected but it performs as intended by the team.

There is a LARGE distinction between the term COPY and NEW in this issue.

As a rule: a level should only be copied if you
A-completely understand that level's role throughout the model
B-expect and want copies of the "children" of the level you copy.

Otherwise always use the design bar to place a "NEW" level when you need another level in your project.