View Full Version : Transparent Material in Elevation

2005-11-11, 03:40 PM
I have a screened in porch that I want the curtain panel screening material transparent with a sand pattern. It works great in 3d views. Is there something I'm missing that can make it transparent in elevation (hidden line).
I'm thinking of just making the panels open and adding a transparent filled region for the screen in elevation, but obviously would be a whole lot simpler if I can keep the screen material panel and have it show transparent in elevation as well as 3d.

2005-11-11, 05:44 PM
I'm thinking of just making the panels open Apparently this is not as simple as (is it ever?;)) going to the curtain wall properties and setting the curtain panel property to none! How do I do this?

2005-11-11, 05:52 PM
You can create a 3D view and orient the view to your elevation. 3D views will show the transparency.

2005-11-11, 06:31 PM
That does work, but all the windows show transparent also which I really do not want in the plot.
So OK, there are no transparent materials in elevation, I'll go to plan B. How do I make my curtain wall panels open? - Thanks

2005-11-11, 09:24 PM
I turned the transperancy off in the glass material and got what I'm after. I would sure like to know why I'm unable to turn the curtain panels off though.

2005-11-12, 08:04 AM
What I did with a shopfront recently was import the family M_Glazed Panel where the panel in the family is defined under the "glass" sub-category of Curtain Panels.

I imported it into my project and replaced all shopfront system panels with M_Glazed Panels.

I then went to View Properties (of the required view) then Visibility then clicked on "Curtain Panels" to reveal the sub-category "Glass" which I then switched off.

This should switch off your panels in that view and make them transparent.

Only problem is it only works with standard rectangularly shaped panels as far as I can see.

You could always replace panels with the "empty system panel" but that would make them invisible in every view.

Hope this helps.

2005-11-14, 03:02 PM
Thanks Parkinson,
I did not have the empty panel loaded in my project to help me figure that out, The empty panel does not work on a non rectangular edited shape wall as you eluded to. You're suggestion on turning off the panels in the view works great on all the shapes when I toggle off the entire curtain panel category.